The Adversarial President

Adversary:  "One who opposes, resists, an enemy or opponent.  One who offers opposition, an antagonist. 

As America moves closer to November 3, 2020, we are watching our president move toward a new and appalling attitude. He is displaying a position of doing things to us rather than for us.  He is no longer our president - he is now our adversary!

For the first time in American history, we find ourselves with a president who is ignoring all decent ethics in order to win his reelection.  His actions are abhorrent to any right minded person.  His untruthfulness is mind boggling.  His refusal to follow the rules of law are frightening.  And, added to that, our Republican-Controlled  U.S. Senate and our Attorney General are complacent to the point of being treasonable in quietly sitting by and allowing him to continue his destruction of this nation.  Like the president, these senators and the AG are criminally refusing to address the critical problems.  

Instead, in the middle of a pandemic, the U.S. Senate refuses to address the urgent needs of the people who are facing no unemployment benefits, evictions, foreclosures, and food and health care needs - while they go on vacation for a month!  Like the president, they have taken an adversarial position of doing something to the people instead of doing something for the people.

The president has caused uncountable sickness and death by his total inability to lead this nation through the covid-19 pandemic crisis.  First, he denied the crisis, then he called it a hoax, and finally, he displayed his stunning lack of acumen to handle the problem. 

The president is openly finding words and ways to tamper with our postal service.  The latest in a string of changes aimed at suppressing voters is the removal of a huge number of those famous blue, bolted-to-the-sidewalk drop boxes for convenient mailing by the public.  That isn't doing something for the people - that's doing something to the people.

He is threatening the public that their mail-in ballots may not be delivered in time to be counted.  That isn't doing something for the people - that's doing something to the people.

We have all believed that we could live with his dismal job performance until the Nov. 3rd election,  but now we are wondering just what kind of an election will even take place?  

As of now, it appears
 it will be fraught with criminal skullduggery. 


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