Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Rushmore Four, plus (gasp) him

"Twas a balmy August evening, and the workers all were there,
when from the Oval Office, he walked in without a care.
His mind was filled with wonder as he shuffled through the door
into the evening meeting, where he posed upon the floor.

"What does he want?" a staffer asked. "No one ever knows."
"But it's so late," another said, "let's hope he comes and goes."
There he was, all primed to speak, a hush fell 'round the fountain.
"I have a dream, a wondrous scheme, to put me on 'the mountain' "

"The "Rushmore Four" is old news, but I'd classy up the place.
The folks would come a-running just to see my splendid face."
  His eyes were full of sparkles and his grin from ear to ear.
As he spoke about the mountain, everybody strained to hear.

"Me on Rushmore would be fitting" (we all knew how well he lied)
"with a hundred moving spotlights to show my handsome side."
"So who will call the Governor and get this carving done?"
"I could sit for poses Tuesday, or Wednesday would be fun."

And thus begins the Great American Nightmare.  His face appearing somewhere among those four American Presidents for eternity...and embarrassment.  

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