Monday, February 8, 2021

Gianforte and Dancing With Dinosaurs. . .

I'm guessing most of you didn't know that our planet was only about 6,000 years old, according to our Gov. Gianforte and his band of bamboozlers.  That would mean that humans frolicked with T-Rex, Brontosaurus, Triceratops, and the like.  As a matter of fact, so did Adam and Eve, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus.  It must have been a crazy place to live!  

Our governor has many off-beat ideas, but perhaps this is the craziest.  Most of them come at us in the form of Republican craziness, but even those pale by comparison to the age of this blue marble we call home.  Where the insane belief came from is anyone's guess.  I had never heard of it until I heard of one Greg Gianforte, body-slammer extraordinaire.  That, by the way, is another of his well-known moments in history.  He body-slammed a national reporter because he didn't like an every-day health care question.  He was arrested, arraigned, fined, and ordered to attend anger management therapy.  After all, if he, indeed, did descend from dinosaurs, it probably would explain all of that Republican anger.

That's our governor!

But, back to the dinosaurs.  The scientific experts tell us they were killed off about 65 million years ago when an asteroid struck our planet near the Yucatan Peninsula.  Yeah, the time line doesn't seem to fit, does it?  I take my history from qualified scientists who tell us that when testing rocks and dirt, they have determined that our third rock from the sun is around five billion years old - give or take a few.  

If my math is correct, however, our governor's big idea of it being only 6,000 years old would make it's birth about 4,000 B.C.  That was the beginning of the Neolithic age.  There were enough people on earth at that time to form villages and erect shelters. They structured their lives, selected kings to rule, and probably began arguing politics.  It was also known by some as the "Gianforte Age of Enlightenment," for you history buffs.  


What in the hell did Montana do to deserve the curse of Gianforte, Daines, Rosendale, and the assortment of GOP Legislators?  What did we do that was so bad we must be humiliated this way?  Why are we Montanans sentenced to four years of such punishment?  Why?  Republican nastiness like the tax cuts for the rich and peanuts for the rest, the guns allowed in bars and our college campuses, the ban on masks while covid is so serious, the ban on something that should be between a woman and her doctor, and on and on with the  Republican "golden oldies" that they rehash ever time they come in power.  

All of this being directed by a man who doesn't own a calendar, a history book, or access to the History Channel on television!

I'm with Charlie Brown...."we are doomed!"

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