When a star in our universe explodes, it is said to "go supernova." What happen is the star's gravity tries to squeeze the star into the smallest, tightest ball possible.  The collapse happens so quickly that it creates enormous shock waves that cause the outer part of the star to explode!  That resulting explosion is a supernova.

Compare that to what is happening in our nation's political universe. Imagine the GOP is a star. The gravity of the situation that exists right now in their political universe is immense.  The internal struggles brought on by seditious and violent factions within the Party are reeking havoc with the Party as a whole.  They are squeezing the normal conservatives into a smaller and tighter place in the system. Soon, it will go supernova and create an enormous shock wave across the Republican world that causes the entire Grand Old Party to explode!

No more conservatives.  No more Tea Party.  No more loonies telling lies.  No more conspiracy theorists.  No more QAnon.  No more Proud Boys.  No more Oath Keepers.  No more White Supremacists. No more Grand Old Party!

What to do?  What to do?

They all went down the rabbit hole, had a party, and then blew it all to hell.  

Can they stop the supernova from happening?  Of course not.  Ask any Physics Graduate with a Ph.D.  They'll tell you it's a done deal. It's written in the stars.  It's as sure as....well, as sure as the Grand Old Party can't change its lumbering march headlong into oblivion. Will be be able to see it happen without a telescope?  Hell, we'll be able to see it in our own neighborhoods!

There have been sign posts for them to read for the past four years. They not only ignored them, but they gathered up each one and carried them along as badges of honor.  They are blowing themselves to smithereens and sending themselves into outer space like a gamma ray burst of nasty neutrons and idiotic ions.  And they're pointing fingers at each other as they streak across the sky.

God help them for they surely know not what they do.


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