Montana Vigilantes: Stand Back and Stand Ready

Microcosm:  A situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger.

Montana has become a microcosm of that which was known as the Trump Administration, which was the most corrupt and feared Presidential Administration in American history.  Whether this is the goal Gov. Gianforte and the GOP-controlled State Legislature planned for is unknown, but it is a distinct probability.

Today, during the Trump impeachment trial, a video was shown by the Trial Managers of Gianforte's body-slamming event. It is well known by all Montanans and was highlighted on national television for our nation and the world to see.  It was a spectacle that will embarrass our state once again.  

Not since the wild days of Vigilantes has anyone run roughshod over our state like the Gianforte-led GOP Legislature.  If you have forgotten our sorted wild west past, by the end of February 1864, 22 men had been lynched. The most famous victim of the Montana Vigilantes was Henry Plummer.  He arrived in Montana in 1862 and was elected Sheriff of the Bannack Mining District in May 1863. They put the fear of vigilantism into the minds most Montana residents in those days.  They raised the important question:  "Who is the legal law around here?"

Such is the view of many Montanans as Gianforte and GOP horde plunder the "last best place."  Their "out of the box" far-right attacks on our state are both unwelcomed and against all common sense. They are working from the borrowed plan book of Donald J. Trump, which had to be smuggled out of Washington D.C. before any sane-thinking citizen could burn it to ashes.

So, this Montana GOP frontal attack on our citizenry is unnecessary, in bad political wisdom, and reeks to high heaven of the foul odor our nation has had to choke down for the past four years.  Their list of outrageous laws are borne out of vengeance for being out of power for the past sixteen years.  Their vicious efforts to make up for lost time are disgraceful and their arrogant and obnoxious behavior about refusing to wear a mask are unforgivable.  And, their gestapo-style tactic to "cut in line" ahead of more deserving citizens in Helena who are awaiting their turn to receive a covid-19 inoculation is akin to "bottom feeders."

I would never approve of the use of vigilantism, but sometimes a guy finds himself - like many of you - with no options left.  Fighting a political group in power who is wielding an overabundance and completely unnecessary arrogance of power is like fighting with both hands tied. . .  and the unreasonable foe is trying to tie our feet, as well.  

This is today's political scene in America - and now Montana!

It is clear to me that the Republican "not-so-grand-anymore" Party, whoever it belongs to, is no longer happy with America's democracy and is working toward a country that will be ruled only by them.

And then those thoughts of vigilantes creep back into my mind.

An Opinion by John Watson


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