Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Gizzard of Oz

A muscular, thick-walled part of a bird's stomach for grinding food, typically with grit.

In a movie scene from The Wizard of Oz:   Behind the curtain, the great and power Wizard was trying to intimidate Dorothy and her friends, and his scare tactics appeared to be working.  But right when all hope seemed lost, something quite extraordinary happened. Dorothy's dog, Toto, pulled back the curtain Oz was hiding behind. It turned out that despite all the smoke, sound effects, and bombast, the mighty Oz was actually just a feeble old man.  

When the Wizard was exposed, he famously said, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

In much the same way, today's embarrassed and mean-spirited Republican politicians try to persuade us to "pay no attention" to the video clips, emails, speeches, and other evidence we can plainly see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears.  But, it's too late. Once the curtain is pulled back, how can we not pay attention. 

How can anyone not pay attention? 

In America's land of OZ, the former president was also guilty as sin and twice as black-hearted. His speeches "incited" the mob, he "blew the whistle" to begin the assault, he "pointed the way to the Capitol," told them to "fight like hell or you'll lose your nation," and then, after telling them he would be marching with them, he "ran for cover" to watch the war rage on in front of his television set.

Well, there are several who won't pay attention:  The Republicans in the United States Senate, for example.  They will be the jury on the trial to convict or acquit the former president.  He has already been found guilty and impeached by the United States House of Representatives - while he was still President.  The Senate drug their feet and refused to begin the trial until after he was voted out of office.  He can - and must - be held responsible for his treasonous actions that led to the Jan. 6, 2021 incitement of insurrection on our Capitol.  And, he must never be allowed to run for any federal office again!

We need to purge this man from American History once and for all. It is not a political choice - it is a national imperative!  To allow this to happen again is not an option.  The next time will be a mistake we may not survive!

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