How To Cope the Next Four Years In Montana. . .

Listen Montanans and you shall hear
of Montana's terror the next four years.
The "elephant herd" that tortures and maims, 
from border to border and mountains to plains.

The Governor's plan is hostile and clear,
kill every law that Montanans hold dear.
It's their state now, they came and they took,
And now rule the roost from "Trump's Plan Book."

We are in a torturous four years of rule under a Capitalist Governor and a Legislature full of "trump"eting elephants that are hell-bent on turning Montana into a playground of ravenous, rabid Right-Wing Republicans.  

Today's rancorous herd - as overtly seen by the problems they are causing on the national level - are self-centered, Party-first, country further down at fifth or sixth, money and power, and only one recognizable goal: getting re-elected!  That is your Republican as defined today.  When they have voice votes, they are nearly 100% together on all things, but if you could get them to vote a secret ballot, a handful of them might actually show they have a conscience. 

What can we, as concerned Montanans, do for the next four years?  That's a tough question.  It will take a great deal of organization.  Everyone of us must become better informed at what is happening around us.  Corrupt politicians and their underhanded politics loves to work in the dark.  We need to keep the light shining on them all of the time!

Corruption cannot happen when we are vigilant.  

We must always remember:  
There are always more voters who want justice
than there are who do not!

How they managed to run the table in last November's election is a puzzlement.  But it happened and now we need to right the ship.  I am positive there are more Montanans who are against nearly every bill the Gianforte-led Legislative has brought to a vote.  While I would concede that we are a reddish state now, with the manner this administration is ramming bad bills down our throats, we won't be red for long.

Stay informed, stay alert, 
and protect yourself  from covid-19!



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