The GOP Is More Egregious Than You Ever Thought!

What America needs right now is a deprogramming of the insidious Republican Party that has turned into a Cult! It is hard to believe that they have let one lying, corrupt, narcissistic dead beat blowhard prosecute a coup on the Grand Old Party! 

But, there they are.

He has trolled them, baited them with tall tales, lured them into his dream world, and then nailed them - hook, line, and sinker with the "Big Lie" tale about the stolen election of 2020!  Today, they are lost in that upper air beyond the clouds, known as the ether. They don't know whether they are still attached to reality or are just floating with the "golden one" and his promise of national dominance. They have been a major political party in America and they were hijacked by a political hack who doesn't know his hind end from a hole in the ground.

But the "golden one" has had plenty of help, too.  Within our congress, are the treasonous workings of:  Senators McConnell, Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, Daines, Cornyn, Barrasso, and others.  Also, Representatives Jordan, Gaetz, and 143 who voted to overturn the 2020 election!

So, how do we get them to understand their cult mentality is ripping apart the fabric of our democracy?  Many believe most of them know exactly what they're doing and are loving every minute of the carnage.  But, we need to assume there are some who have actually bought into the "Big Lie" perpetrated by the "golden one" and are up to their eyeballs under his Svengali  influence.  

This cult has planted their flag where it would stymie any chance of GOP politicians to win another election if they disavow their union with the former president.  It is the most diabolical kidnapping of a major political party anyone has ever seen!  

How did such a miscreant gather so much power over the Republican Party? 

Consider this analogy:  
A vampire can only enter your house if you invite him in! 

It is obvious to anyone that the Grand Old Party, under the influence of the previous president, had a fully operational plan to seize power and overturn the 2020 election of our new president. It was to culminate with the electoral votes to be tossed and the vice president to declare them invalid.  Next, he would reinstate Donald Trump as President for the next four years.

That is a coup.  That is a political party seizing control of a democracy.  And that is a political party performing a junta as it takes control of what will become a third-world banana republic!  

The Grand Old Party of treasonous Republicans cannot exist in their present form and ideology!



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