When Did Disney Studios Start Producing CPAC Conventions?

 There are strange things done in the land of sun
By the men who toil for gold;
But the CPAC wails of their secret tales
Would make your blood run cold.

The GOP have seen strange sights,
But the strangest they ever will see
Is the night they cried, and everyone lied
in honor of "Big Donnie T."

As we watched the "highlights" of the first evening's lies from the likes of Sen. Cruz, Sen. Hawley, Rep. Gaetz, and Donnie Trump, Jr., we were nauseated and shocked at the spectacle being created in the center ring.  We are dumbfounded by what is being paraded in front of American television sets.  A life-size golden statue of the former president is rolled into the main ballroom as camera phones flash and people squeal with delight.  Have none of them an ounce of shame?  Have none of them a modicum of pride?

This is no CPAC Convention!

This is a spoof perpetrated by a horde of misfits who actually believe some of them could be candidates for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.  They road into the "ballroom" on the coattails of "individual number one" as they lapped at feet of his "golden image" that was being rolled in for the worshippers to gaze upon in wonderment.  There is no doubt about it:     Donald J. Trump is the man of the hour if he actually arrives in the flesh Sunday Evening.

The sight of various GOP clowns strutting back and forth on the stage as the revelers whoop and holler from the audience is nauseating.  The speeches are peppered with unending lies about how the 2020 election was stolen from the "golden one." 

This night of CPAC has been magically morphed into a night of TPAC.  Trump, Jr. has made certain of that.  There is no discernable evidence that the Conservative wing of this Party is visible this weekend in Orlando, Florida.  They may have been invited, but we're betting there are only enough present to fill a phone booth.

This is a jim-dandy, johnnie whiz-bang, Donald J. Trump mutiny of gigantic proportions!  

And aren't they going to be surprised when they find out he won't be running in 2024?  He needs instant cash and there is no easier way to get it than to appeal to those hapless believers who have visions of the "Big Lie" about the "Big Steal" still dancing in their heads. They are always good for a few hundred million to donate to his worthless presidential run.  

We need to laugh at their foibles, but this crowd is causing our sides to ache!


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