Gianforte's Scorched Earth. . .

How did we allow this to happen?  It came out of nowhere and when we woke up on Nov. 4, 2020, the news was dropped on us like a bomb.  The Republicans had taken nearly every office in the state.  No one was expecting it.  It had a numbing affect on all who didn't want this to happen.  Beginning with the Governor's race, Greg Gianforte was seen as a man with anger management issues who shouldn't even be elected as the Two Dot. MT dog catcher.  He is a mega-millionaire who eventually ended up buying the office he wanted.  But why?  For what purpose?  He isn't telling us much and we should have been better prepared for the shenanigans he and the Republicans who were swept into the Legislature were planning.

Each day, we turn on the news or pick up the newspaper and find another revolting bill they have passed.  They serve no one in the state except the Montana Republican Party. The list of incredibly nasty laws are the sum total of their hatred for the residents of our state and the love they hold for the arrogant and abrasive political party they represent.

  • A ban on abortions in Montana.
  • Weapons allowed in bars, campuses, banks, and others.
  • More power for Legislative Committees and their Chairs.
  • Taxes for the rich, a pittance for the rest of us.
  • Eliminate the face mask mandate.
  • Renew prison death row executions, after years of absence.
  • Authority to change public school curriculums.'
  • Transfer federal public lands to the state.

This is just the beginning!  We have to watch the news daily to keep up with the skullduggery.  This Gianforte Administration and menagerie of Republican nitwits in the Legislature are burning the midnight oil to come up with new bills to antagonize us.  

And that thought brings us to the central issue.

Why?  What is their goal?  When there are so many things they could be working on to make life easier for Montanans, they are spending their time on things that will do just the opposite.  For example, no one is screaming to ban abortions or get between a women's health care and her doctor.  Ten years ago, there were 20 abortion clinics in Montana.  Today, there are 4.  This is simply a Republican punching bag that they feel needs to be punched on when they are in charge. Guns become another hot button.  Their goal of a lobbyist in every pocket and a gun in every hand is a strange urge that gnaws at their brain on a daily basis.  We need to be concerned about what frightening and ultimate goals are on their devious minds.  Voter Suppression is always high on their list of wants. According to their rules, there are just too damn many Democrats that are allowed to vote! 

Finally, we simply have to admit that the Montana GOP is acting far too heinous this year.  Perhaps it is an overflow of corruption from their national cohorts, or it might even be a lesson learned from the previous president.  He did teach them that lies and corruption can get you a long way - for a short time!

Whatever the excuse, they are, as my dad used to say, "Hell bent for election!"  But, it's not going to be just a bumpy ride, this is going to be a "John Deere across the furrows, teeth-rattlin' ride!"

We best be ready for a fight.


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