Requiem For The Grand Old Party

Thoughts and Prayers to the GOP...

A prayer for them as the hearse goes by, for someday we will also die. They'll wrap them up in a dirty shirt and bury them deep, under rocks and dirt.  The "New GOP" will scorn, not praise, and never again speak of the bad old days.  But they'll be gone, and that will be that. Each sunk their own ship, and drowned like a rat.   Amen.

A requiem for the repose of the souls of the dearly departed of the Grand Old Party will now play softly.  Tears will be shed for the once proud "elephants of the walk" as their exploits of shame and corruption will echo across the land.  And they all will be laid to rest in the grimy dustbin of history. 

The eulogies for the GOP will be read by a few of those right-wing heretics who stand in attendance along the funeral bier. Such traitors as Sen. McConnell, Sen. Josh Hawley, Sen. Ted Cruz, Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Mo Brooks, and Rep. Louis Gohmert will each speak their part in the historic words of heresy and insurrection against our nation.

Rep. Marjorie "Conspiracy" Greene (R) and Rep. Lauren "Calamity Jane" Boebert (R) will be there to seat guests of the "dearly departed" Party. The former president requested a private booth at the back of the coven for private sorrow.  His family will be be seated up front and smiling, of course.  

This is, indeed, a solemn service for the demise of the Republicans-who-could-do-no-wrong.  They did, of course, prove that too, was unattainable.  In fact, what they did was about as wrong as anything ever done to our democracy.  In the end, they refused to admit blame and chose to "go down with the ship!"  

Today, news outlets are reporting that states are beginning to notice large numbers of Republican Voters are leaving their Party.  Stay tuned for more details.  Also, more than 250 aides of congressional offices have signed a letter to the U.S. Senate demanding that the former president, who they believe incited that mob, be convicted and never allowed to hold a federal office again. 

An appropriate ending to the service was when the eulogists and two ushers all jumped into the mass grave just before the dirt was shoveled in.  

May they rest in some kind of peace.

From dirt they came, in dirt they served, and to dirt they will go.

(Too subtle?) 



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