Montana, It's Time To Sound The Alarm

There is nothing more appalling than a political hack with no empathy and very little evidence of a soul, who has been given unintended power from the voters who placed him in office.

Such is the situation on the political scene of the great State of Montana.

It had been sixteen years since the Republicans had control of the State Legislature, and in the 2020 election they came on like gangbusters.  They took nearly every office in sight.  But that kind of thing is not only expected from time to time, but it is normally accepted, as well.

Only this time, the rascals not only won the seats, they are acting like they won the rule book, the law book, the ethics book, and the will of the people.  And not just in a friendly win, either - they are going for the throat!  They are dragging back conservative issues that have been considered settled law and tossed into the dust bin of history.  

Is it time to "Sound the Alarm?"

The Montana Republicans are making the same mistakes their counterparts did back east.  Their tactics are wrong, their attitudes were mean-spirited, and their politics are driving their voters away from the Party.

We are hearing top officials from the Grand Old Party appearing on national television who have decided to "Sound the Alarm."  They are pulling out of the Party and silently working behind closed doors to either take back the GOP or start a new Party.  The "Patriot Party" has been mentioned.  Is Montana even paying attention to all of this?

If Montana continues down this road of "our way or the highway," they will find themselves on the outside of the GOP and looking for a way back in.  Perhaps the voice of their Party, Gov. Gianforte, is too high on his newly acquired power to notice the ground-swell of anger over the ridiculous bills his "boys" are shoving through the over-stuffed hopper of bad bills.  

The good citizens of Montana will only take so much and then there will be a rebellion from which the Montana GOP won't recover.  When will politicos learn that just because they were elected, they weren't automatically bestowed with newfound power and likeability?  

And most of them were definitely not bestowed by their voters with newfound intelligence, either.



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