Thursday, February 25, 2021

The GOP CPAC Convention For Dummies. . .

The CPAC called for a "Party" and the RSVPs were sorely garbled. The former Vice President said he'd come if the former President didn't. Of course, the former President will come, so the veep is staying home. Several others made calls to someone they knew who handled RSVPs to ask about the intent of whether certain Conservatives were coming.  And one member who has always been high up on the totem pole, the former majority leader of the senate, wasn't even invited.  All in all, this has been a strenuous time for the GOP, which brought one columnist to refer this convention as CCRAP.

If one needs to call ahead and see who is coming to a party before they mail in their RSVP, one would agree that the Party has some serious problems.  Of course, everyone already knows there is a humongous split in the "family," but maybe few knows how serious it is.  Is it fixable?  Who can they rely on to fix it?  How will it be fixed?  Will there be a new Party rising from the ashes?

Under the heading of "He really slobbered a bib full that time". . . 

Sen. Mitt Romney said Wednesday that if Donald J. Trump decided to run for president in 2024, he would undoubtedly win the Republican Nomination.  I've really got to take a few minutes and think about that response.  Are Republicans really that conflicted? Do they really think our nation would survive another presidential candidate like him?  Well, as I think about it, it probably would help their movement to get at least one gun in the hands of every American over the age of two - hopefully, all with spotting scopes!

CPAC has a long and sorted history already.  They embrace everyone from the Christian Right to the White Supremacists.  Their motto is:  "Do as we say, but don't watch what we do."  There is disruption on their minds and corruption in their hearts.  Their Convention starts today in Orlando, FL and, with the turmoil brewing, may end tonight.  I don't advise watching it on television, but it will be interesting to see the news highlights.

But, for those of you who just can't help but watch  -  and  swoon easily - your heartthrob, Donnie, will be favoring the crowd with a spackling of his newest lies. . .and some of his favorite oldies, too!

Bon Appetit. 

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