Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Poster Boy of Republican Mayhem

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the epitome of Republican-style politics today.  He has always been a little whacky, but during the Feb. 23rd Senate Committee meeting on the insurrection of our Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, he went berserk. His voice and mannerism at the microphone had all of the earmarks of a another Wisconsin looney, Sen. Joe McCarthy, who was known for his "the commies are everywhere" rants of yesteryear.  

Johnson's take on who was responsible for the attack was equally asinine when he said,  the Jan. 6th bad guys "dressed up to look like Trump supporters." His ranting became the Republican "conspiracy theory" of the day, and it was a spectacle of lunacy that hasn't been equaled for weeks.  

We are witnessing the total melt-down of the Grand Old Party as they bend, twist, cheat, and lie their way out of the mess they have created by their own devices.  Their four-year complicity with Donald Trump has put them into a deep, ugly hole and we are watching them digging in exactly the wrong direction to get out.  Meanwhile, Trump is sitting above ground and cheering them on in their digging adventure.  It is turning into a funny-but-frightening re-make of a Keystone Kops movie.

Our U.S. Senate is, however, chock full of disrupters like Johnson.  There are Republican Senators Hawley, Cornyn, Graham, Cruz, Barrasso, Daines, and Scott, to add to the craziness. Each finds their place and time to stain their Party with mindless words and actions.  Their outrageous attacks on anyone from the opposition is bewildering to the onlookers. We all understand that political fighting can get nasty at times, but what the GOP is doing in these questionable times is insane!

America doesn't need conspiracy theories and personal attacks from what once was a major political party.  

We need empathy and constructive teamwork from everyone!


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