Monday, February 22, 2021


"The last best place" is now in the hands of the worst Montana GOP we have ever seen. They are hell-bent on destroying the things that have made Montana great for generations.  Now they want to make us  into the likeness of Trump World!  The ugly and "me first" things that have given a whole new meaning to "The Ugliest American." Money first, drinky-poos for everyone, disposable lifestyles, "I got mine, screw you -  get your own," and "We get to decide what your rights are as a person."

Gov. Gianforte is turning out to be more ruthless than anyone thought, and his horde of GOP Legislators are even worse. They have rolled out bills that are turning stomachs across the state, and the governor is asking for even more.   

We, as Montanans, will not recognize this beautiful state when they leave office.  It will be transformed into their own image. They will take what they want and leave scorched earth for the rest of us.  There will be laws left on the books that will gag us, and they will leave with laughter in their voices and cynicism in their hearts.  They are members of a political party who obviously have no empathy for others.  Their party used to care, but that was before the "age of Trump." 

Now, it is the "age of Gianforte," and we all remember the old song we learned as kids: "Same song, second verse, could be better, but it's going to get worse."

Who thought Gov. Gianforte could be just as bad as Pres. Trump?  Other than Gov. Gianforte, that is.  He is a mega-rich Republican white guy with anger management issues and stomping through our state like he just bought it.  And, he has emboldened his fellow conservatives in the state legislature to be the worst they can be!

Despicable bills have already been written, some have already passed, and there is a great fear that more are on the way.  

Do we just stand around and wait for the "Last Best Place" to become the "Once Best Place?"



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