A Two-Ring, Three-Month Circus. . .

Now that the GOP wrecking crew has been firmly established in our Legislative Session, let's consider the damage.

They wasted no time in firing up the GOP "must do" list that is on every Republican's mind.  First, Governor Gianforte killed the mask mandate while we were in the deadliest weeks of the pandemic.  But, what the GOP heart wants, the GOP minds will find.

The malfunction destruction crew 
marched into the breach with other such calamities as:  

Give legislative committees and their chairs more power. (a signal of serious skullduggery afoot).

A GOP golden-oldie: Ban all abortions in Montana.  Never mind that the number of abortions have been going down for years.  And, clinics to perform them went from 20 in 1982 to 4 in 2018.  But, you know how Republican men like to get between a women and her doctor on her private medical decisions.

Another GOP must-do is cutting taxes.  Correction:  Cutting taxes on Montana's richest.  A pittance of relief was offered for the rest of us.  Something they could fund from the petty cash drawer or maybe the legislative coffee tips.

The Governor decided it was time to allow bars, casinos, etc. to open two hours later each night.  You see, the covid virus evidently goes home early and won't be a problem for the maskless drinkers.

The legislature hasn't forgotten those who have been hankerin' to strap on a six-shooter and head into their favorite bar, either. Concealed or in the holster - who gives a damn!

And, a blood-thirsty bunch of Republicans around the state want Montana to start death-row prisoner executions again. Well, they've got a bill for all of you, too.  There isn't a fast-acting kind of chemical available to do the job yet, but they'll use the slow-acting kind for now.

Well, our fun-loving, power-driven Republicans are off to the races, and there is still plenty of time to come up with more evil ideas to torment the Montana masses.

They do have to reign in one little internal problem, however.  You see, there are two factions of "Republicans" in the Legislature:  the "normal" kind, and the "abnormal" kind.  When the "abnormal" kind gets too far out into orbit, the "normal" kind moves across the aisle and votes with the democrats. 

When that happens, we see what bystanders call "a circus."

May there be a 
"two-ring, three-month" GOP circus through the Session! 


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