Seditious and Unpatriotic Losers. . .

Sometimes, the path of common sense is full of downfall and hundreds of standing dead growth, as well.  In the mind of a normal person, it would be easy to find a pathway through the muck and mire, but sometimes we do not have the luxury of such a mind. Instead, we have the mind of a politician who is unable to see where the path of common sense is evident.  The need for his/her own re-election is clearly seen, however.

On January 6, 2021, the entire nation - and the world -  watched in horror as a mob of insurrectionists, led by the former president, who baited, incited, assembled, and lite the fuse for them to attack our capitol.  They killed, maimed, laid carnage to the sanctity of our U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.  

Evidence of the former president's guilt is as obvious as any prosecutor could ever ask for in a trial.  He pointed the way to the capitol, he told them to "fight like hell," and he lied and told them he would be "right there with them."  He then scurried to his favorite chair in front of a bank of television sets, and watch the day's deadly attack on our nation's seat of power.  He was told the degree of carnage that was taking place and the lives of the vice president and the speaker of the house who were in danger.  Chants were heard to "hang the vice president" and "shoot the speaker in the head."  The vice president was swiftly ushered to a secure place just seconds before the mob reached his senate location.

Still, no word from the president. The Minority Leader of the House called the President and begged him to "call off the mob...they will listen only to you." He refused.  Several members of his staff in the White House were alarmed at the president's behavior.  Many of them saw him as "gleeful" at the insurrection.  He couldn't understand why those around him were not as excited as he was.

If all of this makes you hysterical and nauseous, the worst is yet to come.

We now come to the Republican Members of the United States Senate.  There is nothing on the face of the earth that will get most of them to convict the former president of the charge of Incitement to insurrection. 

They are not looking for the evidence of his guilt.
They are looking for the lies to find him innocent.

This is not a political party.  
This is a political den of iniquity.
This is a den of seditious and unpatriotic losers.



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