The GOP now stands for "Gawd-Ornery Power"

 What the hell is going on here?

Montana's Republican Members of the State Legislature have gone bonkers and it seems there is no way to get them back in line.  This is getting real serious, real quick!  Montana hasn't seen a power grab like this since the days of the "Copper Kings."  What put the bur under the saddle of these political hacks?  Have they no regard for our state's easy-going people? Is destructive and vulgar power that important to them?  These unnecessary bills serve only one purpose:  Self-serving, grandiose power plays that are "in-your-face" Republican style.

What would possess a Montanan to think we need to allow concealed weapons in a bar, casino, college campus, or bank? Some dude with a six-shooter in a holster and tied down at the leg is bad enough, but now they want us to guess if they are packing heat, too. Rep. Seth Berglee (R-Joliet) sponsored this outrageous bill. Don't forget his name!

In the world of e-cigarettes, Rep. Ron Marshall (R-Hamilton) has a bill that will make "smoking" those damnable things indoors legal! He is a half-owner in three vaping shops, sits on the board of e-cigarette lobby and lost an e-cigarette law suits against the state.  These things are toxic, include nicotine, and in one national study said, "kids are dropping dead from these things."  What are Marshall and his GOP buddies thinking?

A panel is considering striking education requirement for the Superintendent of Public Instruction position.   They will not be required to hold a teaching certification.  They will simply need a political leaning in the "right" direction - like the one we presently have.  Only a teacher knows what is best for a teacher and public school education!  This idea is insane!

When a state legislature comes through the door at full tilt, running amok, and changing all the "furniture" in the room, they had best be looking for cover when the people no longer see any peaceful respite.  Montanans have never sat still for these kinds of shenanigans.  As some say, Karma is Hell.

Need we remind the current Republican Office Holders of the Vigilantes?  When you lay carnage to a million Montanans' idea of justice and replace it with guns in bars, casinos, and banks, you are playing with fire - and people's lives! 

These GOP rebels are either unaware of what they are doing or - worse yet - they just don't give a damn!

We're leaning toward the later.



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