Sunday, February 14, 2021

One Foot in Truth - One Foot in Hell

It will take a whole room full of physiatrists to unravel the speech about why U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell voted as he did in the Trump Impeachment Trial. 

He started out with a gunny sack full of reasons why the former president was guilty as sin.  He ticked them off like a  well-oiled prosecutor who was heading for the home stretch. It was a thing of beauty!  Trump was the epitome of all that was evil and seditious as former President of the United States.  He should have been drawn and quartered. He incited an insurrection as he guided a mob of thugs to kill, maim, and reek havoc on our capitol!

But a funny thing happened as he headed for the finish line.

McConnell continued his speech with a rambling, rather incoherent message that his vote to acquit the former president was based on the fact that the trial was unconstitutional.  The former president had already left office and therefore couldn't be brought to trial. (It should be noted that the U.S. House had impeached Trump and delivered the papers to the U.S. Senate, but as Majority Leader of the Senate at the time, McConnell said there was no time to proceed with a trial.) The very body he was a ranking member of had voted three days earlier that it was constitutional to proceed with the trial. Simply because he voted "no" didn't make it unconstitutional.  Does McConnell believe that other Senate votes that he voted "no" to, but ultimately passed, are not now settled law?  I fear that Old Mitch has been in the orange glow of Old Donald far too long!

That is how McConnell appeared on February 14, 2021.  He had one foot squarely in the Republican Party and, in his mind, the other foot squarely in the lounge of Mar-a-lago and sipping martinis with the former president.  He envisions himself the great orator who has the grand answer for all of us.  We are not to worry.  He will comfort our souls.  The trial's verdict had enough political sides to appease all of us.

He knows Donald J. Trump to be a sinner of great proportions, but we must look the other way and proclaim him acquitted of all charges.  

There are 43 Republican Senators who have sold their souls to the devil in Mar-a-Lago.  They, like McConnell, are no longer members of the Grand Old Party of Republicans.  They are supporters of a rag-tag horde of White Supremacists, QAnon, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and other assorted thugs.  They are infatuated with them all, for they are now the base of the new GOP! 

And the beat of future insurrections continues.

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