So Much Montana GOP Hell To Do - So Little Time. . .


Those Montana Republicans are at it again.  First it was tax cuts only for the rich.  Then it was giving more power to the committees and their chairmen. Then it was killing the mask mandate. Then it was killing all abortions in the state.  Then it was guns in bars and college campuses. Then it was firing up the death penalty.  Then it was changing our public school curriculum.  

Now it's Union Bustin' time!  Quite possibly their most favorite game to play since peeing in their diapers.  Oh, how they would love to bust those damnable unions out of orbit and scattered across the universe.  

There is a "Right To Work" bill slithering its way through the legislature as we type.  The GOP have become experts at dressing the RTW bills to look like Sarah Palin's famous "pig with lipstick" in their feeble attempt to fool someone.  It never works but they keep trying.  The fact is, it's Union Bustin' at its ugliest. Their goal is to get union members to stop paying dues.  Union dues pay for many beneficial things for a worker. Collective bargaining legal fees are a big part of the dues amount.  Salaries to union representatives who are fighting for better working conditions, salaries, health conditions, etc. all are included.

A company with union workers has always been a thorn in their side.  Higher salaries for union workers is only part of it. Collective bargaining is what keeps companies on the straight and narrow - and on edge.  It's hard for a corrupt company to cut corners and monkey with safety issues when they have to deal with an eagle-eyed union boss.

All in all, unions are a crooked company's bane.  And they are constantly running to the GOP for help.  And, of course, the Republicans are more than willing to help. . . for the right price!

That's what they do!

What's next?  Changing our voting laws?  The GOP thinks there are just too damn many Democrats allowed to vote. They're working on it in many other states this year.  It's being said that our neighboring Idaho is working on a bill to ONLY allow in-person voting and mail-in ballots for military people who are deployed.  It's my guess Gianforte and his thugs will get to it eventually.

So much Republican hell to do - so little time.




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