A New and Frightening Republican Party

Are we a democracy or a republic?

Our Constitution established a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States.  It is a democracy because people govern themselves.  It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.

A republic allows greater freedom and prosperity.  Economic pursuit benefits the entire nation and people are able to live well.  When government serves the interests of the entire country, we say it is serving the common welfare.  There is wider participation in the political process.

However, most of the members of the Grand Old Party have a new ideas.  They have decided that being in the minority and running for office is hard.  There are a lot of people who like the ideas of the opposition party better than theirs.  The average American likes the idea of helping their fellow man.  The GOP kind of likes the idea of helping themselves.  That's the major difference.  Of course, there are deeper disparities: Equality versus inequality, racial blindness versus racial inequality, women's healthcare rights versus governmental control, and gay rights versus only-a-man-and-a- woman.  There are many other examples. The Republican mentality boxed themselves into a corner that strengthened their base but shrunk their total membership considerably. 

So, now there are GOP meetings being held in dark and hidden places with the hushed whispers of starting a "new and improved" political party.  Names like "The Patriot Party" are being tossed around.  But with the same tired mentality and with the same hostile personalities, a new name will do little to help. You can put lipstick on an elephant, but it's still an elephant.  You must change the attitude of the elephant if you want to make a difference.

We are a democracy because we choose to govern ourselves.  The present Republican Party shows all of the signs of not wanting the people to govern anything.  That should be their job. They will overturn heaven and hell to get things done their way.  They used to be the "rule of law" party before the "new generation GOP" crawled out of the swamp.  Now it's the "rule of our new law."

We're in for a huge fight.  The former president and his congressional GOP thugs almost won the day.  They almost cut off out democracy at the knees.  But we're still fighting.

It would all be very interesting if it were not so damn frightening! 


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