The Antifa Nazi Fighters Are Coming. . .

The Montana GOP-controlled Legislature is knee-deep in unsavory and wild-arss ideas to rile the most calm and sedate of Montanans. The hostility of these elephants is unmatched in the rowdy Republicans of modern times.  They are hell-bent on stirring the pot of trouble for those of us who simply want to live and let live. As far as I can find, there has been no noticeable hue and cry in the state to ban all abortions, for example.  Actually, they are on a decline and abortion clinics have gone from twenty in the state to a measly four in about ten years.  Not one single voice has been raised against antifa.  The definition of the word escapes the minds of Republicans in our Legislature. They apparently believe it to be a domestic terrorist group and want them to be declared so, according to a bill they are working on. Actually, antifa, which has no leader and no activity in Montana, is an ideology that resists all white supremacists and neo-Nazi hordes. That "white supremacists" label, however, turns Republicans into foaming-at-the-mouth raving idiots. It's strange, though, that no where in the State House or Senate can any of them find a dictionary that would show them that "anti" means against, and "fa" is short for fascist.  Against fascist - like against Nazis!  

If the Antifa bunch ever does show up in Montana, they'll head straight to Helena and the GOP-controlled Legislative Session. That's where they'll find their enemy.

But, when they get their ideas from the bottom of the garbage can, what can we expect?  The gamut of in-your-face bad ideas seem to be endless.  It's as if the game they are playing is "how many Montanans can we turn off today?"

If you aren't watching their playbook, you're missing all of the hurt.

Why don't you meet me down at the corner bar or at the Student Union Building on campus and we can talk about it.  They are going to allow guns now, you know!  Who knows, maybe we'll see a great shoot-out!  

Sieg Heil, GOP.


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