The U.S. Senate Republicans are blaming the U.S. House Republicans for trashing the "good and decent" brand of the Grand Old Party.

We really need to think about that for a minute.

First, we need to go on a treasure hunt and find this "good and decent" brand.  Do they mean the elephant stampede that carries the banners of "Voter Suppression?" Or, do they mean the group of thugs that refused to permit the U.S. Senate to hold a vote to confirm Judge Garland to the Supreme Court because he was an appointee of President Obama?  Or, do they mean the Republicans who forced  Sen. Franken out of office on what would be a mini-misdemeanor by their standards today?  I could go on, but you get the point.  The Senate "Enforcer" for the past four years, Sen. Majority Leader McConnell, turned the Senate GOP into a Gestapo-type institution with a brand that could have been compared to a fascist dictator.  Perhaps they are thinking of the brand they hoisted up the flagpole that looked a lot like the Trump flag?

Whatever the brand is that they are trying to protect for the moment, it is of little consequence, because their flights of fancy are always short-lived and long on lies.  They are finding themselves in deep doo-doo and looking for someone or something to blame for their misery. They have been infected with the "trumpitis influenza" and nothing seems to be helping the pain and discomfort.  

So, since raging against Democrats is of little value, they have jumped on the idea of "eating their own," so to speak.  The one-time ruler of the roost, Old Mitch, says, "GOP House members who tell loony lies and conspiracy theories are the cancer on our Party and our nation."  

Many in the Grand Old Party are wanting some kind of punishment just short of a death sentence for Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach the former president.  As the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, she has always been held in high esteem by the Party, but when anyone speaks ill of Mr. MAGA, they are cursed and their souls are sent to the darkness.  

Of course, when one of their own - such as the infamous Marjorie Greene, who speaks eloquently of Mr. MAGA - and trashes our constitution and everything good about America, they are rewarded with a free pass to the front row, post-haste.  That is, until last night, when the Democrat-controlled House voted to jerk her committee assignments.  The poor thing will have nothing to do for two years...except run the halls of congress and preach from the "good book of QAnon" about the craziest conspiracy theories you will ever hear.   This, ladies and gentlemen, is no longer your grandpa's Grand Old Party, but it is  the wild and whacky "Gawd Awful Party" of today!

Eating their own may be nutritional for now, but it can't possible serve as a long-term diet.  I mean, won't they run out of those poor lumbering ol' elephant critters one day? 



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