While the rabid and ravenous  Republicans who control the Montana Legislature call it their responsible legislation, angry Montanans are calling it pure authoritarian, in-you-face, and undefendable crimes against the state. 

What possessed them to take this path?

One answer may lie in the leaders of this Montana cult. Gov. Greg Gianforte, Senate President Scott Sales, and U.S. Senator Steve Daines all ended up in Bozeman, Montana - the hot bed of selfish, extremely cliquish, and bad-mannered far-right conservative Republicans.  As one blog writer defines the area: "It's culture has been bisected and occupied by two armies, and many citizens are uncomfortably sandwiched between them."  If anyone knows the political - and financial - makeup of the area, it is understood that they like to think of themselves as "the real America."  "When they shop, they whip out a platinum, bright-colored credit card and make a purchase of $1,500. worth of music discs like someone would buy a pair of wrangler jeans.  The median price of a home in Bozeman is $484,000.  That's more than in Denver, CO, and that house is 187% of the national average. Houses are being bought by out-of-state people, sight-unseen, and when a home hits the market for sale, there are three or four offers on the first day. "

Gianforte, Daines, and Sales are from Montana.  They were each brought to Bozeman through high-tech jobs.  When you mix in their drive for public attention, that, in itself, says a lot about their need for power and politics."

Montana has definitely been taken over by rich techies who are most happiest when they have great power - regardless of how much it will cost them.  Their political goals are to upend the status quo.  It is as if they are playing a dangerous game at the people's expense.

When the then-U.S. House candidate and the now-governor didn't like a question he was asked by a national news reporter, he body-slammed him to the floor.  He was arrested, fined, ordered to attend anger management therapy, and then lied about his actions.  That's our governor - the techie who paid millions to get elected so he can run roughshod over Montanans!

We are all going to suffer for the evil this gang and their ilk will put us through, and they'll do it just because they can.

And there is one side-note to this story:  Republican voters in Montana are going to be suffering right along with the rest of us. We're guessing they haven't yet learned just how badly they've been snookered!

But, as they say, "Karma is Hell!"

As a warning:  Their coup d'état will be when they transfer all of our beautiful federal lands to state control, decide the state can't afford to maintain them, and then put them up for sale to the highest bidders.  Of course, those bidders will be them and their mega-rich buddies.  Yes, there really is an ugly, self-serving scheme to their corrupt minds!


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