The Ultimate Power Grab by Gianforte and His Minions. . .


"Well, it finally happened: Montana: House Bill 320 is a carbon copy of a transfer bill that then Sen. Jennifer Fielder introduced in 2015. It encourages the transfer of federal public lands to the state but does nothing to stop  the state from passing new laws to sell them in the future.

Simply put, HB320 provides the illusion of protection while opening the door for large-scale sale and transfer.

Montanans have repeatedly and overwhelmingly rejected efforts to sell and transfer public lands.  Now, lawmakers are trying to resurrect legislation that would devastate the access, jobs, and outdoor way of life that Montanans depend on.

It's one of the most misleading and cynical public lands bills we've seen in the House for some time, and it's time lawmakers fight to protect public access for Montanans.

Tell your representative to fight for Montanans by fighting against HB320.  There's no place for land transfer in Montana, and there never  will be."   - Evan Barrett, Feb. 11, 2021.

This has been a fear of mine since the plundering Republican herd of elephants began their stampede of everything that is good and decent about our "last best place" this Session!  There has been a litany of their horrific bills attacking Montanans from all directions:  abortions, power grabs in the legislature, huge tax cuts only for the rich, guns in bars and on campuses, and now a power grab of our sacred public lands.  These lands are for all Montanans - not for the wealthy few!  These lands must never be closed off to the people!

Evan Barrett is a man to listen to in Montana.  Few people have worked harder to improve our way of life and keep the political wolves from our doors.  

Please give Senate Bill 320 your full attention.  We cannot afford to see this come to fruition!  



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