A Conscience. . . Does Daines and Rosendale have such a thing?

Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) are headed for the dust bin of history because they both continue to spend their days perpetuating the former president's "Big Lie" of a stolen election.  They are both on the wrong side of the truth and refuse to admit it.  They are the lieutenants of Trump who, like "Big Brother," said to the people:
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.  It was their final, most essential command."  Geo. Orwell, "1984"

Former President Donald Trump incited his mob of insurrectionists to brazenly attack our nation's capitol by breaking windows, busting through doors, scaling walls, causing destruction, rifling through our elected officials desks, injuring more than 100, and killing 6.  The nation and the world witnessed, via television, the former president's speech as he urged the mob of domestic terrorists to "march to the capitol and fight like hell."

Daines and Rosendale are two of more than 200 Republican Senators and Representatives who strongly support Trump's efforts to overthrow the 2020 election and remain in power.  They are ready and willing to lie for him.  Even as the words and video substantiate the truth of the former president's guilt, they continue to speak in his defense.  

They are an embarrassment to all Montanans and to Americans across the country.  Their shame will not be forgotten.  As the trial begins today, Feb. 10, 2021, all eyes will see and hear the truth.

Whether these unrepentant Republicans will do the right thing and, in the end, convict him of his atrocities is yet to be known. As of today, they put their political party squarely ahead of their country.

The Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Mitch McConnell, has asked his Republicans to vote their conscience.

But first we need to understand that to vote one's conscience, one must have a conscience.  Do these two men possess that inner voice, deep inside, that tells them right from wrong?  If so, neither of them have shown such an ability thus far.

Sen. Daines says he has already made up his mind about how he will vote.  Rep. Rosendale, fortunately, has no vote in the trial.  But they are both complicit in the "Big Lie" that is tearing our democracy apart.  They both need to be dealt with by Montanans!  


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