Montana's "Trump II" Disaster. . .

Living the Trump Dream
from the Playbook
of Power, Politics
and Lies

Montana's Power-hungry Governor, Greg "Trump II" Gianforte is leading the "take no prisoners" charge of his elephant herd across the prairies and mountains of what we used to call "the last best place."

This man and his minion are serving up the most contemptible  bills anyone can imagine.  They find it necessary to allow guns in bars, casinos, college campuses, and, of all places, banks!  There are also a bevy of similarly disgusting laws they are working on.  Never mind that they began this year's Session with a huge tax cut for themselves and their affluent friends across the state.  Of course, the rest of us were given "a pittance of relief" from the petty cash drawer.  After that, the list of GOP "golden oldies" began.  They included: more power to their committees and committee chairs, fire up the prison death sentences again, kill the mask mandate, ban all abortions, and various other Republican favorites!

Gov. Gianforte is following in the footsteps of his hero, Donald Trump, and using his frightening Playbook of Disasters.  It actually holds no real plans, but instead is chock full of corruption, illegal activities, and falsehoods by the truckload, that is known as "The Art of the Deal."  Its goal is to push for total power and bamboozle with bull s**t!

The biggest problem Montana must endure for the next four years is Republican arrogance and a disgusting array of unnecessary and dangerous new bills.  Just because they can pass anything that pops into their pointy-headed and evil little minds doesn't mean they won't pay for it all later. 

It's time for the governor to take off the Trump wig and start working for Montanans!

Watch this space for more to come.


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