Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Old Mitch McConnell: "I thought he was just funnin' folks!"

"The Cult Of Trump"

Here are some members of the "Cult of Trump" photographed in all of their glory.  We don't know for sure whether all of these pictured are actual members, however.  As a matter of fact, there may be many more who aren't shown here.  You see, it is a sort of mystery cult.  Now you see them and now you don't.  Now you hear them and now you don't.  But we can say for sure some in these two photos are not only members, but hard core, boot-stompin', high-steppin' VIP members.  

U.S. Senate Minority Leader McConnell said today something that boggled our mind.  He made a scurrilous attack on a well-known female member of the U.S. Representative who has been in the  news lately.  She is giving treason and domestic terrorism a whole new definition.  McConnell did not address her by name, but the entire nation knew who he was referring to when he said, "Loony lies and conspiracy theorists are a cancer on the GOP and the nation."  Good googie-boogie!

For the last four excruciating years of McConnell and Trump's time as grand poo-paws of the political world,  all they did was spread "loony lies" and "conspiracy theories."  They practically invented the terms.  The lies and conspiracies have their fingerprints all over them.  And, it didn't stop there. They had help from many, if not all, of the yahoos in these two photographs, plus several more who hid from the camera at just the right time.

The hypocrisy of Ol' Mitch is astounding!

If these folks are planning on taking the new GOP forward, they are starting down the wrong road.  The old, toxic, worn out GOP is ready for the dump.  Trump converted them into a bright and shinny new whiz-bang CULT!  And they jumped on board his bandwagon with all four feet!

Now, of course, some of them are wondering what the hell happened.  Even old Mitch McConnell uttered the words about Trump the other day, "I thought he was just funning folks."

Too bad - and too late, "Turtle."  You and the boys have been snookered and he is down by the Mar-a-Lago pool, sitting in the sun, and counting his money for another run at you shmoos in 2024.  

Y'all are going to be "standing down and standing ready" for him,  ain't ya'?

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