Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Bedtime Story for the Would-Be Emperor

 A story by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen was published in 1837 about a tale that varied slightly when first published in 1335. Andersen's story has the king hoodwinked by weavers who claim that the suit of clothes can only be seen by men of legitimate birth. The weavers play on the emperor's vanity by saying the suit is only visible to people who are clever and competent.

Fast forward to the White House where weavers of bullpucky convince the former president that the garment woven for him cannot be seen or touched by any person other than a true MAGA believer. 

However, it is being reported today that the former president's garment is losing its invisibility. His crowds are dwindling and they are slowly melting back into their rat holes and below-ground dwellings. The former president is, however, unaware of the transformation and is being seen by everyone  - in all of his "shortcomings." 

When he approaches the television crowd (of less than 500) the band is playing "We've lost that loving feeling" and some are seen waving good-bye. Certainly, his better days are far behind him. 

Oh, somewhere in his favored land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Trumpville - Donald's light is going out.

Monday, April 29, 2024

What's Normal Anymore?

How It Is Supposed To Happen

January 6, 2025, Congress will meet in joint session to count the electoral votes. The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. The President of the Senate then declares which person, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States.

If any objections to the electoral votes are made, they must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one-fifth of the members of the House and one-fifth of the Senators. If objections are presented, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of the objection(s) under procedures set out in Federal law. Only two grounds for objection are acceptable: that the electors of the State were not lawfully certified under a Certificate of Ascertainment, or that the vote of one or more electors has not been regularly given. 

If no Presidential candidate wins at least 270 electoral votes (a majority of the 538 available votes), under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution the House of Representatives decides the Presidential election. If necessary, the House would elect the President by majority votes. The vote would be taken by Senate, with each State having one vote. (The District of Columbia does not vote because it doesn't have voting members in the House of Representatives.)


The exception to the rule rears its ugly head when Donald Trump and his MAGA/Republican congressional far-right members, the United States Republican Supreme Court, and various MAGA folks from the "War Room" who have leadership over the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, QAnon and various other hate groups and treasonists.

When that happens, all bets are off!

Most Montanans aren't impressed with your money - and ego

 Strollin' through the Cow Pies

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has reportedly called U.S. Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy a "flawed" candidate. 

That should be the end of the story, but it ain't.

Some folks can move to Montana and fit right in.  They've read up on our state, our customs, and our likes and dislikes. They've come with a willingness to learn about their new surroundings and are quick to make it their new home. In no time, they are seen as good neighbors and good friends. They are no longer seen as "out-of-staters."

But there are also the other kind.

Consider the transparent out-of-state quasi-politician who was told by his political handler that Montana has less than a million voters and that will make it easy and cheap to buy the election. Also, there are an abundance of your "friendly voters" already living there. They are a bunch of "rubes" and "suckers" who you'll win over in no time! Show them you're bank account, buy up land in big gobs, buy a multi-million dollar home in the biggest recreational area in the state and another multi-million dollar home on the other side of he state, and start a false-front business to show you are "here to stay."

One thing you may want to think about not doing, however, is "stepping in it!"  In Montana, that means "giving natives the idea that you may be just too good for this state." 

Montana is a land-locked state so we don't need any "seals." We are a modest state so we don't get impressed with how much money you've got or how big and fancy your homes are and how much acreage you're planning to "play" with.

If your ego arrived in Montana fifteen minutes before you did, you probably have "stepped in it - real bad  - with your brand new boots!" 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

"I like Trump, maybe I don't, yeah, I think I do. . .No, wait - I think. . .

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) argues that "Americans will vote on their own problems, not Donald Trump's criminal cases." One question for the Senator:  What if Trump's criminal cases are the voters' problems?

The senator has changed his mind about Trump so many times he has developed a permanent whiplash medical condition. 

After four solid years of defending President Trump's words and actions at every turn, Graham finally remembered  how he really feels about the man he once referred to as a "race-bating, xenophobic, religious bigot" when he thought he didn't have a chance of winning the Republican nomination, let alone the presidency. 

"You know how you make America great again?" Graham asked in 2015. "Tell Donald Trump to go to hell." Then, on the same day Trump essentially clinched the GOP nomination, the senator predicted, "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed...and we will deserve it."

"Trump and I, we've had a hell of a journey," Graham said from the Senate floor just hours after a violent mob of Trump supporters occupied it. "I hate it being this way. Oh my god, I hate it." And while he said he believes Trump has been a "consequential president," - delivering three conservative Supreme Court justices that Graham helped slam through the Senate, the senator declared, "All I can say is count me out. Enough of him is enough!"


And. . . Last week, "Whip Lash LaRue" says Trump will have his vote for president in 2024!  

Get a good hold on your neck - he's comin' around again!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

MAGA has 'loosed the hounds!'

In the politics of 19th-century New York City, the infamous Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall  was known to be totally corrupt at, among many other things, how he handled New York elections. He blatantly answered one voter's question about rigging elections with, "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it? Tweed was a favorite subject for Thomas Nast, the "Father of the American cartoons" and he was instrumental in the downfall of Tweed.

Today, the Grand Old MAGA/Republican Party has found Tweed's plan book on rigging elections, dusted it off, and with a few new twists, tried it out during the last presidential election.

As they schemed to put fake electorates in "battleground states," the plan almost worked. Armed with slates of fake electorates, Vice President Pence was supposed to call out votes that had been changed to give Trump the win instead of the actual winner, Joe Biden.  It would have worked, too, except Pence "chickened out" and refused to do it. That refusal by Pence was the only thing that saved our nation from having another disastrous four years of Trump! That, in turn, brought about the insurrection on our Capitol!

The MAGA crowd isn't through, however.  They have methodically worked at convincing their supporters - through conspiracy theories -  how fraudulent our voting system is and how we cannot believe the 2024 results, either. 

We stand at a crossroads on our heretofore credible election results in America. MAGA says they will flood polling places with "watchers."  A better description, however, would be "intimidators."

We must take a strong stand on election day 2024!  


Friday, April 26, 2024

Ginni and the Judge. . .

There are strange things done in the Washington sun
By Ginni, the judge, and their gold,
And her treasonous trails and corrupted  tales
Would make  your blood run cold.

The D.C. lights have seen strange sights,
But the strangest that anyone wrote,
Was the night in the bar with Ginni, the star,
Holding court on how Clarence should vote.

Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows (then chief-of-staff), and Gini Thomas (wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas). and others were working their far-right politics in Arizona. No one has stepped up to take credit for the treasonous, contemplable, and most diabolical plan every conceived by Americans of this status: Their goal was to replace the Arizona electorates with their personally hand-picked  fake electorates! Their fake votes would then be read as the real Arizona choice for president during Electoral balloting in the Capitol. They were all indicted for their crime yesterday, April 25, 2024.

Ginni Thomas had  reportedly contacted no less than 29 Arizona State Legislatures, herself, to "tell" them to vote for the fake electorates! 

Ginni has been a long-time activist for the far-right Republican causes and she was highly active on Jan. 6th during the coup attempt on the Capitol.

America, how does it feel to know that the real traitors of Jan. 6th are running around on the loose - and undoubtedly already planning the next insurrection - while hundreds of the "workers" have seen the wrath of our justice system? 

It makes my blood boil just to think about it!

At least three cases concerning this matter that have come before the Supreme Court and not one single recusal from Clarence Thomas!

Poor, poor Rudy. . .

America's Mayor Got flummoxed by Trump

In his approach to the Golden Years, Rudy Giuliani was celebrated by all as "America's Mayor. He was revered as the New York Mayor when 9/11 happened and he walked through the debris from the fallen Twin Towers and promised a totally new and improved replacement to the skyline.

Enter a well-known New York con man named Donald Trump who was looking for help to get him to the Oval Office. He rounded up his cronies and lesser con men to help him. 

Now enter a well-known New York "star" who was beginning to dim and lose his brilliance. Some said Rudy was even losing more than just brilliance - he may be losing his mind, as well.

Poor Rudy. 

He let the guy who wrote "The Art of the Deal" snooker him into being a con man's sidekick. Trump needed attorneys - and lots of 'em - to do his damage. They didn't have to be good attorneys, just mouthpieces that would do what he told them to do.

The New York streets are littered with similar stories of people who thought they had tied themselves to a "shooting star," but found out it was about to wink out and become an orange dwarf moon somewhere. out in space.

Poor, poor Rudy.  Yesterday, he was indicted for arranging the fake electorate scheme in Arizona. More details to come.

He has lost his law license in New York, he's old, and he just found out his complimentary title of "America's Mayor" has been rescinded and he is now "America's nitwit."

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The More We Investigate; The Worser it Gets. . .

Hey fat man with the orange tan;
Where were you when the (stuff) hit the fan?

Well, according to some folks,  he was in the Oval Office lunch room painting the walls with ketchup and tossing in pieces of a chewed-on cheeseburger for textured effect. 

Today, however, the ketchup has been washed off and the burger has finally been scrapped off the wall. The scene of the crime has been scrubbed clean and his cronies, elected political supporters, Supreme Court and lower courts, and MAGA-maniacs have circled the wagons, tucked him in, and will protect him until "morning."

The Supreme Court came out of hiding this morning and pretended to address you-know-who's immunity case. In case you're unaware of which of the cases that is, the immunity case says he had absolute immunity to steal, lie, start a war on just his word, order Seal Team Six to assassinate his worst adversary, or gun down the head of the National Democratic Party in the middle of Wall Street.

It would be similar to what made us scurry out of Joly Old England and away from a place ruled by a Monarch. We foolish Americans just can't seem to get the hang of this thing called democracy!


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Give me our democracy or give me death. . .

A little traveling music, maestro

A Chink in the MAGA Armor?

What is this I see?  Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, today stood in the well of the U.S. Senate and said he blames the former president and FOX news' Tucker Carlson, plus many MAGA henchmen and women who were following Putin's orders to stop the bill that would send military aid to Ukraine. The bill passed and the aid will be going out immediately. Are the  MAGA  Marauders losing their strangle hold on the Republican Party? Does the GOP finally see the light? Will they soon realize they're laying bets on a crippled nag? Will it save the Speaker his job - or will it cost him for going against the hard right folks in the U.S. House who were not in favor of more aid to Ukraine?

The house of cards was bound to fall apart some time. It was never meant to work, but the egos of the perpetrators couldn't let go of the attention they were getting. 

The triggermen and women who were calling the shots gave it their all, but they lacked that one important ingredient: credibility! The went about their treasonous ways with arrogance and little-to-nothing else. They will go down in the history books as traitors to their country!

When the reality sinks in, the MAGA minions and their leader will scurry away and that will be the end. Some will find it hard to give up and they will keep the "home fires burning," but it will be impossible and we will have to contend with one more of those relatively small, but pesky, hate groups. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her horde will be feisty, but their hometown supporters will see to it that they all melt away.

Our democracy will once again survive a brutal and deadly attack.

Our nation will once again survive a vicious coup attempt.

And the former president will finally understand why America would rather die than live under his authoritarian rule!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

MAGA is the residency of "Clown Alley" . . .

MAGA Poster Boy - Rep. James Comer

 When the Republican/MAGA cult gets their act together, maybe they will all get naked and decide who gets to drive the clown car, who gets to ride in the front seat, who gets to ride in the back seat, and who will be stuffed into the trunk.

A group of clowns working for a circus company, or any professional organization of clowns, is known as "clown alley." Originally, the term was used informally in a circus as the area behind the stage. It became their make-up area. Recently, the MAGA/Republican House Clowns took over the area and turned the back-stage area into their private war room headquarters.  

Head clowns of the war room are MAGA mischief-makers such as Lil Margie "Screamer" Taylor Greene, Lauren "shoot 'em dead" Boebert, Matt "R.U. legal age yet?" Gaetz, James Comer, and other Mensa rejects. Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky) says he "came this close to joining. but he did get the honorable mention prize to be their poster boy. (see his photo above.)

They have so far to go to be a force, but maybe they'll eventually get their act together in time for the 2028 election. 

However, no one is counting on it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Reclaim that which always made Montana Great!

This building is cram-full of the wrong kind of critters 

Montana let a horde of varmints take control of our "Last Best Place" and we need to do a good house and senate cleaning on Nov. 5, 2024. While we're at it, the governor and  attorney general should be gone, as well. 

What we mostly need are people who want to work together and do what's right for Montana. Right now, the MAGA-style folks came in and took over the whole damn state. Worse yet, they tried to make it into a place that has no resemblance to our state. Their current agenda is to put a price tag on everything and have an auction for out-of-staters who are looking to buy their dream spot.

We've just got to send these piranhas down stream to new waters. What Montana has, Montana wants to keep for folks who respect what's here. The piranha that has invaded our land doesn't seem to give a damn what they ravage!

On November 5, 2024, let's fill up this building with someone who will be good stewards of our land, waters, and clean air. . . and more than anything, good neighbors!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Republican-Recruited Ex-Navy Seal for U.S. Senate


Tim Sheehy
Ex-Navy Seal

The World of Tim Sheehy
Candidate for U.S. Senate from Montana

A Top Republican Senate Candidate's
story about accidentally shooting himself just got weirder

"Sheehy recently told The Washington Post that he received a gunshot wound in his right arm while serving in Afghanistan, not during a shooting at Glacier National Park.

He said that he lied about his Colt .45 revolver falling to the ground and discharging in order to shield his former platoon members from being questioned about what he said was a 2012 shooting that occurred overseas.

Sheehy previously told the newspaper he was unsure if his bullet wound came from friendly fire or an enemy. But after filing a Freedom on Information Act request, The Washington Post obtained National Park Service documents from 2015 where Sheehy said that a shooting had occurred at Glacier National Park.

The newly-released National Park Service report said that "a park visitor called park dispatch" and stated that a firearm had discharged at Glacier National Park which seemingly contradicts Sheehy's current statement that he was shot in Afghanistan."  The Washington Post - by John Dorman - 4/17/2024

Sheehy is a supporter of former president Donald Trump and seems to have the necessary lying tools which will round out his qualifications to be a MAGA/Republican. 

What else is there we don't know about Mr. Sheehy?

Follow the red MAGA road. . .

Lil Marjorie Taylor-Green calling out to the President

 A Day in the Life of Moscow Margie"

At 6 a.m., our little Margie is awake and ready for the world. Whether the world is ready for lil Margie is to be determined. 

She finds her MAGA red baseball cap, her favorite MAGA shirt, and her tastefully hand-painted "Vacate Speaker Johnson" sign. Now she is ready to face the day with her best scowl and still wet and dangly blonde hair. 

Margie is off to see the Wizard of MAGAville in Florida. He hides behind a curtain down at Mar-A-Lago and has granted her an audience. She has much to discuss with the Wizard about how the House is being badly mishandled. It is total chaos and  no one is listening to her ideas any more. 

On the way, Margie runs into three interesting folks from the U.S. House  Freedom Caucus. One is looking for the courage to speak up about what to do with the Speaker of the House. Another is looking for a heart, which could earn him a top job in the House. And, finally, the third guy is looking for a brain. (What are the chances of that happening?!)

Lil Margie decides to take them with her to see the Wizard. 

Little does lil Margie know that the Wizard is looking for the same things for himself.  She will soon find out that courage, heart, and brain are in very short supply for the membership of the MAGA Republicans.

And the road to find spare parts for MAGA folks is the "road less traveled." 

(to be continued)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

His desires are omnipotent. . .

"I'm melting!  Melting!  Oh, what a world, what a world! Who would have thought a nice place like this would destroy my beautiful wickedness!"       The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz

He's a big deal until the judge brings down that gavel and says "Guilty!" and then he's a melted pile of orange peels and face paint. He'll be a blubbering pile of "I want my daddy" and "why is everyone so mean to me?"

He is a subject matter that will consume psychologists for years to come. His case study will be studied by the worlds greatest thinkers. His complete lack of character will astound all who dare read of his exploits, for he is a rare animal who could not see the evil in himself, and only evil in anyone who refused to follow him. 

Unlike others who confessed to their criminal intent, he saw nothing in his criminal mind to confess. If it was something he wanted to do, then it must be void of wrongdoing. 

His desire was omnipotent!

An Opinion by
John Watson


Friday, April 19, 2024

Nothing Personal, but Tim Sheehy is not for Montanans . . .

 All Americans have a heartful of pride when we see what the Navy Seals do for our military and our country. The intensive training it takes to become a Seal is mind-boggling.

But, we must put the qualifications of becoming a Naval Seal aside when we measure it along side of becoming a United States Senator.

There are only 100 United States Senators elected from 50 states. Each state is allocated only 2 Senators each. We need candidates who have a good understanding of our constitution, our judicial system - since they are handed the job of nominations and filling the seats of our United States Supreme Court.  Senators should be well versed in our democracy and capable of fulfilling their oaths of office. The must be able to put their political ideology aside on many - if not most - issues that come before them.

I do not see anywhere in Tim Sheehy's bio something that would qualify him for the job.

He is an ex-Navy Seal, aerial firefighter, millionaire "business owner," part-time rancher and occasional political donor, a 2004 graduate of Minneapolis-St. Paul area,  went to a private high school and grew up in a lake house.  He inherited $90 million from his parents.

That list of qualifications would only look good to a Republican.

He's not from Montana and appears to be in step with other Montana Republicans who are out to sell Montana to the highest bidders.

Nothing personal, but. . . Tim Sheehy is not for us! 

These Threats May Be Exciting Reading, But People May Die, too. . .


Wednesday night of this week, Trump began posting online about jurors - just hours before one told the judge she was concerned her identity had been compromised by information published about her and she was summarily dismissed.

The information that was publicly reported prompted her family members to reach out and ask if she was on the jury, she said. Having her identity compromised could endanger her life, given the examples in the past from MAGA threats.

Anyone old enough to remember the fear that arose during trials to convict mafia members charged with tax evasion, various forms of illegal corruption, and murder. Jurors were hard to convince that they would be kept safe - and in many cases they weren't.

Today, Donald Trump and his horde of "flying monkeys" have brought all of that fear and trepidation back into our lives. True or imagined, Trump is constantly berating witnesses, prosecutors, even the judge and all of their family members.             


We have got to stop this, and the only way is to initiate very harsh penalties for offenders and lock them away! Trump should be held to the same punishment as those "monkeys" who were found guilty of carrying out his threats. He shouldn't be allowed to run away with "clean hands." Until then, we will have a damn hard time sitting a full jury for anything that is like what the mafia "Don" Trump and thugs are doing now. 

We are no longer in the land of politics, Toto!


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Biopsy of a Nothing-Burger. . .

 Yesterday, April 17, 2024, a date that will live in infamy 
for the United States House of  MAGA Representatives

The Republican/MAGA Party Members of the U.S. House put on a display of ineptitude and a gross lack  of political acumen to do the job they are required to do.

They sent an article of impeachment for Homeland Security Secretary Mayorka to the U.S. Senate. They had worked on it for months as it garnered favorable responses from the "base" of  MAGA supporters. After their grand parade  to the Senate Chambers with the impeachment instrument resting on a blue velvet pillow. It was, however, sadly lacking any proof of wrong-doing. It was quickly addressed by Senators and even more quickly dispatched to the nearest wastebasket. 

A cabinet secretary has not been impeached in many moons, and we can assume that if we clear the House chamber of MAGA nitwits, it will be many more moons.  This was a political hatchet job by the Republicans in the name of "retribution" to honor their most popular bigly orange leader. 

They all knew it was a nothing-burger, but enough of the story was to stick to the wall and be remembered by uninformed voters on election day!

So, this is how the MAGA whiz-kids spent their winter.
How about you folks?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

This Earlier Story Is Still Eating At My Mind. . .

John Watson
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'

The greatest insult ever made to our military who died during wartime was by our very own Commander-in- Chief Donald Trump.

"Trump ejected the idea of a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018. He blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that "the helicopter couldn't fly" and the Secret Service wouldn't drive him there. Neither claim was true. 

He rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day.

In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers." In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau wood as "suckers" for getting killed."   -  by  Jeffrey Goldberg , The Atlantic

There are no limits to Trump's narcissistic personality disorder.  His father found a way with the help of his family doctor's letters of explanation for his minimal "bone heel" ailment to get him deferred from the draft numerous times.  

Feed them and they will perform. . .

The Trump "Base" Is The Problem

Where would he be at this moment if his "base supporters" dried up? His orange hue would dry up and turn a pale, sickly grey. Without a stage full of grinning, sign-waving, bought-and-paid-for ne'er-do-wells in red MAGA caps behind him, he's just another ham sandwich. . . without the cheese.

He is like a blow-fish out of water.   His gills are gasping for  air and the attention he so urgently needs and craves. He would be alone on stage. His fist-pumping would incite no applause and the arena would be deathly quiet. Only the sound of his own two hands clapping as he paces back-and-forth across the stage. He's in no mood to project that imbecilic grin for which he is so famous. No crowds, no cheers, no worthwhile words of encouragement to the absent "base" . . . no nothing!

So, the "tough-guy" MAGA/Republican has no where to go - but far, far away!

The "base" has kept him upright and his jaw lubricated, but without them, it will not get him back into the Oval Office. 

Our problem is the blowfish's "base." They are the ones who has elevated him to a level of incompetency. He is nothing more than an aging, self-important developer who is going to jail, going broke, and ultimately going to hell.

And, with luck, his "base" will go home.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

He's Running Out The Clock. . . and Our Patience!

There was a brief moment in America when we lost our way. It  began in 2016 and catapulted us into a nightmare that lasted until 2024's national election.

It was an election that to this day still mystifies all experts. It was an unexplainable time in our nation's darkest hours.

No one can write a book or make a movie that will adequately point to the exact cause of why a nation elected a man as President of the United States when he was the most amoral,  the most unqualified, and the most untruthful man on the planet. 

As the election of 2024 is but a few months away, we are faced once again with the same man - with the same plan - trying to lie and cheat his way back into the Oval Office. Unless there is someone out there who has been asleep since 2017, this should be an easy choice. 

But, alas, it appears it won't be. Experts have been following the polls closely and it is still nearly a dead heat with the two leaders. 

One of them has begun his first of four court trials. He may not make the other three before election day - and that is a suspicious thing! You or I would have been on  our third or fourth anniversary in the "big house" by now.

There are strange things done in the midnight sun, but the strangest I ever did see; when our courts said "done" and only he won - and they cheated both you and me.

 We can, however, turn this into a win on Nov. 5, 2024!

Vote for our democracy


The Election 2024 Truth. . .

This year will hold the most consequential election in our lifetime. The results will affect how our nation will be run for decades to come. 

False narratives and conspiracy theories will be ratcheted up from the chaos of the 2020 election. We may look at that debacle as a dry run for 2024. It could very well be an all-or-nothing moment for the MAGA/Republican hate that has been boiling for years. 

Baseless claims of election fraud have battered trust in our democracy. Foreign influence campaigns regularly target polarizing domestic challenges. Artificial intelligence has supercharged disinformation efforts and distorted perceptions of reality. All while major social media companies have scaled back their safeguards and downsized election teams.

Almost every democracy is under stress, independent of technology, When you add disinformation on top of that, it just creates many opportunities for mischief."  -Darrel M. West, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank.

The stakes are enormous!

And yet, Donald Trump and most of his MAGA/Republicans in our government are looking toward the day when our democracy will be a thing of the past.  

We have no choice but to approach this 2024 election as not a time to hype a typical election, because it will be anything but typical! It is not a cliché to say "this year's election absolute does matter and its outcome will be with us for a long time.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Lost Art of Body-Slamming. . .

Trump laughed and said, "A body-slammer is my kind of guy!"

 In 2017. when Greg Gianforte was in his prime and hunting for a news reporter to mess with, he found one from the Guardian publication covering an election in Bozeman, Montana. Gianforte didn't like the reporter's question, so he can be heard in an audio recording slamming the reporter,  Ben Jacobs, to the floor, breaking his glasses and shouting, "Get the hell out of here!." The attack was corroborated by FOX News journalists in the room who described the candidate slamming the reporter to the ground.
Gianforte was subsequently charged and received community work time from the judge and ordered to take anger management classes.

However, aside from Mr. Jacobs, the real victims were those Montana voters who are still dealing with his wrath. As a friend and confidante of Donald Trump, his MAGA-type and heavy-handed style of campaigning and governing is still hanging heavy in the Montana air. 

While we have barely survived thus far, it would be ridiculous to assume Montana would live through another four years of Gianforte and his MAGA/Republican henchmen's plans to continue selling off our beautiful state to the highest bidders. Let's not take a chance.

Let's not let Gianforte body slam "The Last Best Place" again.

 Remove him this November!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Can I conceal my AR-15 in my denim jeans pant leg?

Montana Welcomes The Bad Guys

No state permit is required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun or handgun. Montana amended its law in 2021 under the Gianforte Administration to allow permitless concealed carry. "Concealed" is defined as a firearm that is wholly or partially covered by the clothing or wearing apparel of the person carrying or bearing the weapon. 

Montana law allows any person to conceal carry a weapon without a concealed weapon permit, so long as that person is eligible to possess a firearm under state or federal law. Montana  issues concealed weapon permits, which must be applied for and obtained from your local Montana county sheriff. By now, it might even be possible to make your own permit, with legible handwriting, of course.

You can actually ignore trying to remember this law. All  you need to do is believe you are living in the 1860s. Strap on your six-shooter or hide it under your coat, load your shotgun, or slip that derringer up your sleeve and head on out for a night of drinking, gambling, and shooting someone who doesn't "look quite right to you." 

Of course, bank robbers and hitmen should check in with a state NRA official.

Folks, two things are taking shape: (1) we are making things a whole lot easier for crooks, mentally ill, and killers, or (2) the MAGA/Republicans want their people armed and ready for their planned Civil War II.

This has gone too far.

And I'm guessing, according to MAGA, it is just starting!


Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Plot Thickens. . .

Marjorie Taylor Greene 
is knitting Mike Johnson a going-away gift

That Marjorie is such a nincompoop. She barely has time to keep up with transcribing  conspiracy theory posts from Russia about the Biden administration, but, she made time to knit a special gift for Speaker Mikey Johnson. She considered him a good guy until she started getting bad vibes about his plan to get the Ukraine Aid Package passed while she was in the ladies room. 

Well, Marjorie went Comanche and decided Mikey just had to go. He was not playing by her rules and she had drawn a line in the sand when she told Mikey no money for Ukraine or no more Speakership for Mikey. 

So, Mikey went on a pilgrimage to the holiest of MAGA/Republican places: Mar-A-Lago, to visit the "Great One." 

"She's gonna' fire my butt, boss!  What am I gonna' do?"

The "Great One" thought about it for a few minutes, and then said, "Come with me, my son...let's go look in some of my boxes and see what I've got on the old girl." 

(To be continued)

It'll just be another run-of-the-mill coup on the RNC headquarters this time

Trump and the "Current" Speaker Discuss "Election Integrity' 

Among the mountains of boxes stuffed with stolen Top Secret Documents sit two men, in the darkness of the Mar-A-Lago attic.  Even though these two are dyed-in-the-wool election 2020 deniers and  know less about "election Integrity" than nearly anyone, they are meeting to plan for Election 2024. Their agenda is titled "Election Integrity."

Donald J. Trump and Mikey Johnson, current Speaker of the House, were discussing their assault on the 2024 Election. Their high-degree of "integrity" may guide them to another fraudulent victory. They are well-suited to strategize their path toward for the MAGA Party. If anyone is questioning their qualifications, they both have sworn under oath that they were "this close" to being accepted into the Mensa Organization. 

As they exit by the back door, a FOX reporter is waiting for them. "What is the good news, guys?" Trump and Johnson look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Trump was first to speak. "We want to tell Marjorie Taylor-Green and Matt Gaetz first. They'll be assigned the duties of carrying out our plan."

Johnson looked at the reporter and said, "Don't ask me. My plan is to just hang on to my job. Mr.  Trump will run the coup again."

"I can say this," Mikey continued, "The coup will not be on the Capitol this time. It's going to be on the RNC headquarters."

A most productive tea party was proclaimed by both men as Mikey scurried back to see if he was still Speaker of the House and Trump scurried off to the beginning of his first-of-five criminal court trials on Monday.

Two more magnificent Party leaders you could never find!