Sunday, April 21, 2024

Follow the red MAGA road. . .

Lil Marjorie Taylor-Green calling out to the President

 A Day in the Life of Moscow Margie"

At 6 a.m., our little Margie is awake and ready for the world. Whether the world is ready for lil Margie is to be determined. 

She finds her MAGA red baseball cap, her favorite MAGA shirt, and her tastefully hand-painted "Vacate Speaker Johnson" sign. Now she is ready to face the day with her best scowl and still wet and dangly blonde hair. 

Margie is off to see the Wizard of MAGAville in Florida. He hides behind a curtain down at Mar-A-Lago and has granted her an audience. She has much to discuss with the Wizard about how the House is being badly mishandled. It is total chaos and  no one is listening to her ideas any more. 

On the way, Margie runs into three interesting folks from the U.S. House  Freedom Caucus. One is looking for the courage to speak up about what to do with the Speaker of the House. Another is looking for a heart, which could earn him a top job in the House. And, finally, the third guy is looking for a brain. (What are the chances of that happening?!)

Lil Margie decides to take them with her to see the Wizard. 

Little does lil Margie know that the Wizard is looking for the same things for himself.  She will soon find out that courage, heart, and brain are in very short supply for the membership of the MAGA Republicans.

And the road to find spare parts for MAGA folks is the "road less traveled." 

(to be continued)

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