Sunday, April 7, 2024

MAGA: They thinks, but the thinks slow. . .

 Republicans Are Today's Neanderthals
When it comes to women's rights, today's Republican/MAGA Party are slow-plodding, round-shouldered, tiny-minded Neanderthals that were tucked away in a glacier. When they thawed out, they ambled down south and formed what we now know as the Grand Old Party.

Only it ain't so grand no more.

The Party read a few books (before they began banning them) and decided the women folk were getting kind of uppity and needed to be taken down a peg or two. The pesky females were forming their own committee and even running for political offices. They just didn't seem to be the same since the men gave them the right to vote

The next thing you know, they'll want to have the final say on what's best for their own bodies. Men have the know-how to make their decisions on their own bodies, but women. . . I don't know. . . they may need some special training first. Let's have the church leaders and the judges decide things for now.

After all, men have the need-to-know genes. I'm sure our ancestors knew exactly what to do when it came to birthin' and all that other stuff women need to do!

Are you really going to vote for someone who thinks like a slow-witted MAGA/Republican Neanderthal?

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