It'll just be another run-of-the-mill coup on the RNC headquarters this time

Trump and the "Current" Speaker Discuss "Election Integrity' 

Among the mountains of boxes stuffed with stolen Top Secret Documents sit two men, in the darkness of the Mar-A-Lago attic.  Even though these two are dyed-in-the-wool election 2020 deniers and  know less about "election Integrity" than nearly anyone, they are meeting to plan for Election 2024. Their agenda is titled "Election Integrity."

Donald J. Trump and Mikey Johnson, current Speaker of the House, were discussing their assault on the 2024 Election. Their high-degree of "integrity" may guide them to another fraudulent victory. They are well-suited to strategize their path toward for the MAGA Party. If anyone is questioning their qualifications, they both have sworn under oath that they were "this close" to being accepted into the Mensa Organization. 

As they exit by the back door, a FOX reporter is waiting for them. "What is the good news, guys?" Trump and Johnson look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Trump was first to speak. "We want to tell Marjorie Taylor-Green and Matt Gaetz first. They'll be assigned the duties of carrying out our plan."

Johnson looked at the reporter and said, "Don't ask me. My plan is to just hang on to my job. Mr.  Trump will run the coup again."

"I can say this," Mikey continued, "The coup will not be on the Capitol this time. It's going to be on the RNC headquarters."

A most productive tea party was proclaimed by both men as Mikey scurried back to see if he was still Speaker of the House and Trump scurried off to the beginning of his first-of-five criminal court trials on Monday.

Two more magnificent Party leaders you could never find!


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