Thursday, April 11, 2024

"It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen"

Some of you might have noticed that I quote from the book "1984" by George Orwell often. There are a lot of things happening today that more clearly explains how Orwell came up with his dystopian novel and - more important - cautionary tale. 

It made a deep impression on readers and his ideas entered mainstream culture in a way few books have done. The books title and many of its concepts, such as Big Brother and the Thought Police are instantly recognized and understood as bywords for modern social and political abuses. 

There are a number of messages presented in "1984," but I think the main one is when people allow the "authorities" to take-over every aspect of their lives, there is a difficulty in going back to being a democracy again.

Orwell wrote the classic in 1948 and 75 years later it remains as thought-provoking as it did when read by the original audience. Not only that, it has since become the most banned book in America of all time.

Followers of the Republican/MAGA Party today have spoken out most harshly about Orwell's book. It tells us how easily  an unassuming and ill-informed society can become like sheep, bend to a charlatans' messages, and fall  under the control of an authoritarian or a dictator rule. 

We have recently lived through such atrocities in our own nation and now we are giving that devil a second bite of the apple. They are not only planning to commit the same coup, but they are even promising to actually do it this time . . and more!

And, it appears we may have already made our course correction and we're heading down that infamous gravel road in our spiffy little handbaskets.

My Opinion
by John Watson



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