Free Bubble-Up and Rainbow Stew for everyone. . .

If you were wondering, this guy you are so enamored with is not who you think he is. 

These days, he hardly has time for his family. He ekes out a minute or two here and there for his attorneys and accepts some texts from a few of his "flying monkeys" who are always on alert for assignments from the "big guy."

Close attention to his four indictments are foremost on his mind at the moment. Threatening judges and their families are a favorite pastime that keeps his mind sharp and always on the hunt, as well. But as to those of you who are salivating over the day he becomes emperor and makes your lives full of gold dust and greenbacks, I have a message for you:  FORGET IT!

If he lives long enough to retired as emperor, you might get an invitation to his gala going-away shindig. Maybe - but don't forget to bring a gift.

However, if you think he will share the spoils of ill-gotten money, power, and human rights he has stolen from Americans, you can best forget that nonsense right now.

You were the muscle that got him what he wanted and when he's gone, you are welcome to look for yours on your own! Yeah, he's just that kind of a sweet-hearted guy.

Now you know what the rest of us have known for years.

Bon Appetit!


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