A House Divided. . . needs to rethink their MAGA Play Book

On April 4, 2024, the breakdown of the two major party members was 217 Republicans and 213 Democrats, with Mike Gallagher (R-WI) as the latest to announce his climb out of the mud and chaos of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Speaker Mikey Johnson is beginning to twitch, shiver, and make strange sounds as he watches the score board. He has his good friend DJT on speed dial with a recorded message that repeatedly says, "what do I do now, boss?"

America has been telling the MAGA/Republicans in the House that their chaotic clown show was not going over too well. But, does anyone in that cult listen to anyone but DJT?  NOOO!

From the guy who won the raffle and became Speaker to the "flying monkeys from Oz" who march to their own drummer, the MAGA/Republicans are cutting their own throats and bleeding all over the place.

What to do?. . . what to do?  

Maybe someone should tell them that they pledged an oath to serve the Constitution of the United States - not DJT!  And, when they decided to run for the federal House, they were supposed to put on their big boy pants and panties and work for America. (They ain't workin' for the "back-home hill folks" no more!)

Let's hope they lose the House by simply running off too many of their fellow members. That way, they can't blame anyone but themselves!

A House divided cannot stand and a House full of MAGA kooks cannot govern, either. As a matter of fact, a House full of MAGA kooks can't do much of anything!


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