Saturday, April 27, 2024

MAGA has 'loosed the hounds!'

In the politics of 19th-century New York City, the infamous Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall  was known to be totally corrupt at, among many other things, how he handled New York elections. He blatantly answered one voter's question about rigging elections with, "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it? Tweed was a favorite subject for Thomas Nast, the "Father of the American cartoons" and he was instrumental in the downfall of Tweed.

Today, the Grand Old MAGA/Republican Party has found Tweed's plan book on rigging elections, dusted it off, and with a few new twists, tried it out during the last presidential election.

As they schemed to put fake electorates in "battleground states," the plan almost worked. Armed with slates of fake electorates, Vice President Pence was supposed to call out votes that had been changed to give Trump the win instead of the actual winner, Joe Biden.  It would have worked, too, except Pence "chickened out" and refused to do it. That refusal by Pence was the only thing that saved our nation from having another disastrous four years of Trump! That, in turn, brought about the insurrection on our Capitol!

The MAGA crowd isn't through, however.  They have methodically worked at convincing their supporters - through conspiracy theories -  how fraudulent our voting system is and how we cannot believe the 2024 results, either. 

We stand at a crossroads on our heretofore credible election results in America. MAGA says they will flood polling places with "watchers."  A better description, however, would be "intimidators."

We must take a strong stand on election day 2024!  


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