Sunday, April 7, 2024

Isn't It Time For A Change?

We the People
Are a bunch of schmucks

In case the word "schmuck" is foreign to you, it means one who is a stupid or foolish person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish, where it has similar pejorative meanings.

So, why are We the People stupid or foolish? Because we are still allowing the billionaires, multi-millionaires, and millionaires of the country to buy the kind of government they want. They can then set their own tax levels - and then write loop-holes to not have to pay them anyway.

They buy the candidates to run for office and then spend a truckload of money to get them elected. . . just so it will look like We the People elected them. 

Once in office, the super-rich will, of course, need to be paid back for their generosity. They will ask for special favors in the way of special laws to let them keep - and increase - their wealth. Money and power are the name of the game and We the People follow along, keep our mouths shut, and pretend this is how it is all supposed to work.

And this, dear schmucks, is how Donald J. Trump and his band of merry men and thugs have perfected the rules of the game! Trump recently dragged in tens of millions of dollars when the big, big donors ""adopted" him - once again and bought him lock, stock, and bible inventory. And once again, We the People will find out what it is going to cost us to "elect" him. 

This whole mess is not how democracies work!

But here in the land of We the People, it works just fine, thank you. That is, until the land of The Schmucks gets some smarts and some backbones!

Anyone voting for Trump 
or any Republicans this year?

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