Ginni and the Judge. . .

There are strange things done in the Washington sun
By Ginni, the judge, and their gold,
And her treasonous trails and corrupted  tales
Would make  your blood run cold.

The D.C. lights have seen strange sights,
But the strangest that anyone wrote,
Was the night in the bar with Ginni, the star,
Holding court on how Clarence should vote.

Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows (then chief-of-staff), and Gini Thomas (wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas). and others were working their far-right politics in Arizona. No one has stepped up to take credit for the treasonous, contemplable, and most diabolical plan every conceived by Americans of this status: Their goal was to replace the Arizona electorates with their personally hand-picked  fake electorates! Their fake votes would then be read as the real Arizona choice for president during Electoral balloting in the Capitol. They were all indicted for their crime yesterday, April 25, 2024.

Ginni Thomas had  reportedly contacted no less than 29 Arizona State Legislatures, herself, to "tell" them to vote for the fake electorates! 

Ginni has been a long-time activist for the far-right Republican causes and she was highly active on Jan. 6th during the coup attempt on the Capitol.

America, how does it feel to know that the real traitors of Jan. 6th are running around on the loose - and undoubtedly already planning the next insurrection - while hundreds of the "workers" have seen the wrath of our justice system? 

It makes my blood boil just to think about it!

At least three cases concerning this matter that have come before the Supreme Court and not one single recusal from Clarence Thomas!


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