Poor, poor Rudy. . .

America's Mayor Got flummoxed by Trump

In his approach to the Golden Years, Rudy Giuliani was celebrated by all as "America's Mayor. He was revered as the New York Mayor when 9/11 happened and he walked through the debris from the fallen Twin Towers and promised a totally new and improved replacement to the skyline.

Enter a well-known New York con man named Donald Trump who was looking for help to get him to the Oval Office. He rounded up his cronies and lesser con men to help him. 

Now enter a well-known New York "star" who was beginning to dim and lose his brilliance. Some said Rudy was even losing more than just brilliance - he may be losing his mind, as well.

Poor Rudy. 

He let the guy who wrote "The Art of the Deal" snooker him into being a con man's sidekick. Trump needed attorneys - and lots of 'em - to do his damage. They didn't have to be good attorneys, just mouthpieces that would do what he told them to do.

The New York streets are littered with similar stories of people who thought they had tied themselves to a "shooting star," but found out it was about to wink out and become an orange dwarf moon somewhere. out in space.

Poor, poor Rudy.  Yesterday, he was indicted for arranging the fake electorate scheme in Arizona. More details to come.

He has lost his law license in New York, he's old, and he just found out his complimentary title of "America's Mayor" has been rescinded and he is now "America's nitwit."


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