Retribution is best served cold!

 The Real "Bloodbath" That Is Coming
Cries of "Retribution" as footsteps were heard 
running away

On November 6, 2024, the real "bloodbath" that the former president talked about will happen. He is, however, very mistaken about who the victims will be. This date will mark the exact time of the demise of the MAGA/Republican Cult. He was inferring that if he loses, the bloodbath will be for all of those who opposed him. It will be his "finest hour of retribution!" 

Once again, he is wide and to the "right" of the truth!

I greatly doubt that he will stick around to witness the demise of the cult he has been cultivating over the years. The "bloodbath" will be the greatest disappearing act the world has ever seen. Congressional Republicans will sneak into the shadows of the Capitol as they work on their list of excuses to absolve themselves of all blame for how they propped up Donald J. Trump His plan to dissolve our democracy and select himself as ruler from coast to coast and border to border fizzled and died.

Many will beg for mercy from the previously-named Grand Old Party members who have  faithfully carried their flag.  The thugs and renegades who were the "flying monkeys" for Trump will either find another charlatan to follow or move into their former street gang work. GOP voters will melt into their neighborhoods and once again speak of the grand elephant brand and only whisper of what could have been. 

A bloodbath, indeed! It was MAGA's dream to rule the nation - and the world. It was a pipedream of outlandish proportions. It was an action taken out of desperation because their current Republican Party had boxed themselves into an inability to ever again win an election without cheating.

The "Bloodless Bloodbath" will be over at midnight on Nov. 5, 2024! The only "red-colored blood that will be seen is when Trump throws more ketchup on the White House cafeteria walls!

His retribution will be a farce.


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