The More We Investigate; The Worser it Gets. . .

Hey fat man with the orange tan;
Where were you when the (stuff) hit the fan?

Well, according to some folks,  he was in the Oval Office lunch room painting the walls with ketchup and tossing in pieces of a chewed-on cheeseburger for textured effect. 

Today, however, the ketchup has been washed off and the burger has finally been scrapped off the wall. The scene of the crime has been scrubbed clean and his cronies, elected political supporters, Supreme Court and lower courts, and MAGA-maniacs have circled the wagons, tucked him in, and will protect him until "morning."

The Supreme Court came out of hiding this morning and pretended to address you-know-who's immunity case. In case you're unaware of which of the cases that is, the immunity case says he had absolute immunity to steal, lie, start a war on just his word, order Seal Team Six to assassinate his worst adversary, or gun down the head of the National Democratic Party in the middle of Wall Street.

It would be similar to what made us scurry out of Joly Old England and away from a place ruled by a Monarch. We foolish Americans just can't seem to get the hang of this thing called democracy!



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