Feed them and they will perform. . .

The Trump "Base" Is The Problem

Where would he be at this moment if his "base supporters" dried up? His orange hue would dry up and turn a pale, sickly grey. Without a stage full of grinning, sign-waving, bought-and-paid-for ne'er-do-wells in red MAGA caps behind him, he's just another ham sandwich. . . without the cheese.

He is like a blow-fish out of water.   His gills are gasping for  air and the attention he so urgently needs and craves. He would be alone on stage. His fist-pumping would incite no applause and the arena would be deathly quiet. Only the sound of his own two hands clapping as he paces back-and-forth across the stage. He's in no mood to project that imbecilic grin for which he is so famous. No crowds, no cheers, no worthwhile words of encouragement to the absent "base" . . . no nothing!

So, the "tough-guy" MAGA/Republican has no where to go - but far, far away!

The "base" has kept him upright and his jaw lubricated, but without them, it will not get him back into the Oval Office. 

Our problem is the blowfish's "base." They are the ones who has elevated him to a level of incompetency. He is nothing more than an aging, self-important developer who is going to jail, going broke, and ultimately going to hell.

And, with luck, his "base" will go home.


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