His desires are omnipotent. . .

"I'm melting!  Melting!  Oh, what a world, what a world! Who would have thought a nice place like this would destroy my beautiful wickedness!"       The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz

He's a big deal until the judge brings down that gavel and says "Guilty!" and then he's a melted pile of orange peels and face paint. He'll be a blubbering pile of "I want my daddy" and "why is everyone so mean to me?"

He is a subject matter that will consume psychologists for years to come. His case study will be studied by the worlds greatest thinkers. His complete lack of character will astound all who dare read of his exploits, for he is a rare animal who could not see the evil in himself, and only evil in anyone who refused to follow him. 

Unlike others who confessed to their criminal intent, he saw nothing in his criminal mind to confess. If it was something he wanted to do, then it must be void of wrongdoing. 

His desire was omnipotent!

An Opinion by
John Watson



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