Give me our democracy or give me death. . .

A little traveling music, maestro

A Chink in the MAGA Armor?

What is this I see?  Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, today stood in the well of the U.S. Senate and said he blames the former president and FOX news' Tucker Carlson, plus many MAGA henchmen and women who were following Putin's orders to stop the bill that would send military aid to Ukraine. The bill passed and the aid will be going out immediately. Are the  MAGA  Marauders losing their strangle hold on the Republican Party? Does the GOP finally see the light? Will they soon realize they're laying bets on a crippled nag? Will it save the Speaker his job - or will it cost him for going against the hard right folks in the U.S. House who were not in favor of more aid to Ukraine?

The house of cards was bound to fall apart some time. It was never meant to work, but the egos of the perpetrators couldn't let go of the attention they were getting. 

The triggermen and women who were calling the shots gave it their all, but they lacked that one important ingredient: credibility! The went about their treasonous ways with arrogance and little-to-nothing else. They will go down in the history books as traitors to their country!

When the reality sinks in, the MAGA minions and their leader will scurry away and that will be the end. Some will find it hard to give up and they will keep the "home fires burning," but it will be impossible and we will have to contend with one more of those relatively small, but pesky, hate groups. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her horde will be feisty, but their hometown supporters will see to it that they all melt away.

Our democracy will once again survive a brutal and deadly attack.

Our nation will once again survive a vicious coup attempt.

And the former president will finally understand why America would rather die than live under his authoritarian rule!


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