The Terror of Trumpville


Florida Aileen Cannon

The Twit From Trumpville

(Twit: A silly or foolish person)

 Judge Eileen Cannon was born in 1981. She is a Colombian-born American lawyer who has served as a district judge for the Southern District of Florida since 2020. She was nominated by then President Trump to become a district judge.

Cannon presided over the case of Donald J. Trump v. United States of America. She ordered the U.S. Government to pause using materials seized from Mar-a-Lago, Trump's private club and residence, in it's investigation and granted Trump's request for a special master to review the material. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed Canon's order, finding that Cannon wrongly exercised jurisdiction of the case. Cannon then dismissed Trump's lawsuit per instructions from the Eleventh Circuit.

Judge Cannon has made several errors in her decisions from previous trials. She has also neglected to swear in the prospective jury pool - an obligatory procedure by the judge. The error forced Cannon to re-start jury selection before the trial ended abruptly with the defendant pleading guilty. Stephen Smith, a professor at the Santa Clara School of Law in California said, "She ignored the public trial right entirely. It's as though she didn't know it existed."

Readers can go to the internet and find several other legal mistakes Judge Cannon has made., but the mistakes she has made at least three times that benefit Trump's mess appear to be based on bias to his cause, entirely!

This is why he chose "twit" Judge Cannon to the Southern District of Florida bench. She is a twit, but she is his  twit - bought and paid for!

Just a small example of the corruption and illegalities that is strewn along the rocky road of Donald J. Trump!


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