A Bedtime Story for the Would-Be Emperor

 A story by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen was published in 1837 about a tale that varied slightly when first published in 1335. Andersen's story has the king hoodwinked by weavers who claim that the suit of clothes can only be seen by men of legitimate birth. The weavers play on the emperor's vanity by saying the suit is only visible to people who are clever and competent.

Fast forward to the White House where weavers of bullpucky convince the former president that the garment woven for him cannot be seen or touched by any person other than a true MAGA believer. 

However, it is being reported today that the former president's garment is losing its invisibility. His crowds are dwindling and they are slowly melting back into their rat holes and below-ground dwellings. The former president is, however, unaware of the transformation and is being seen by everyone  - in all of his "shortcomings." 

When he approaches the television crowd (of less than 500) the band is playing "We've lost that loving feeling" and some are seen waving good-bye. Certainly, his better days are far behind him. 

Oh, somewhere in his favored land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Trumpville - Donald's light is going out.


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