The Lost Art of Body-Slamming. . .

Trump laughed and said, "A body-slammer is my kind of guy!"

 In 2017. when Greg Gianforte was in his prime and hunting for a news reporter to mess with, he found one from the Guardian publication covering an election in Bozeman, Montana. Gianforte didn't like the reporter's question, so he can be heard in an audio recording slamming the reporter,  Ben Jacobs, to the floor, breaking his glasses and shouting, "Get the hell out of here!." The attack was corroborated by FOX News journalists in the room who described the candidate slamming the reporter to the ground.
Gianforte was subsequently charged and received community work time from the judge and ordered to take anger management classes.

However, aside from Mr. Jacobs, the real victims were those Montana voters who are still dealing with his wrath. As a friend and confidante of Donald Trump, his MAGA-type and heavy-handed style of campaigning and governing is still hanging heavy in the Montana air. 

While we have barely survived thus far, it would be ridiculous to assume Montana would live through another four years of Gianforte and his MAGA/Republican henchmen's plans to continue selling off our beautiful state to the highest bidders. Let's not take a chance.

Let's not let Gianforte body slam "The Last Best Place" again.

 Remove him this November!


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