He's Running Out The Clock. . . and Our Patience!

There was a brief moment in America when we lost our way. It  began in 2016 and catapulted us into a nightmare that lasted until 2024's national election.

It was an election that to this day still mystifies all experts. It was an unexplainable time in our nation's darkest hours.

No one can write a book or make a movie that will adequately point to the exact cause of why a nation elected a man as President of the United States when he was the most amoral,  the most unqualified, and the most untruthful man on the planet. 

As the election of 2024 is but a few months away, we are faced once again with the same man - with the same plan - trying to lie and cheat his way back into the Oval Office. Unless there is someone out there who has been asleep since 2017, this should be an easy choice. 

But, alas, it appears it won't be. Experts have been following the polls closely and it is still nearly a dead heat with the two leaders. 

One of them has begun his first of four court trials. He may not make the other three before election day - and that is a suspicious thing! You or I would have been on  our third or fourth anniversary in the "big house" by now.

There are strange things done in the midnight sun, but the strangest I ever did see; when our courts said "done" and only he won - and they cheated both you and me.

 We can, however, turn this into a win on Nov. 5, 2024!

Vote for our democracy



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