The Republican-Recruited Ex-Navy Seal for U.S. Senate


Tim Sheehy
Ex-Navy Seal

The World of Tim Sheehy
Candidate for U.S. Senate from Montana

A Top Republican Senate Candidate's
story about accidentally shooting himself just got weirder

"Sheehy recently told The Washington Post that he received a gunshot wound in his right arm while serving in Afghanistan, not during a shooting at Glacier National Park.

He said that he lied about his Colt .45 revolver falling to the ground and discharging in order to shield his former platoon members from being questioned about what he said was a 2012 shooting that occurred overseas.

Sheehy previously told the newspaper he was unsure if his bullet wound came from friendly fire or an enemy. But after filing a Freedom on Information Act request, The Washington Post obtained National Park Service documents from 2015 where Sheehy said that a shooting had occurred at Glacier National Park.

The newly-released National Park Service report said that "a park visitor called park dispatch" and stated that a firearm had discharged at Glacier National Park which seemingly contradicts Sheehy's current statement that he was shot in Afghanistan."  The Washington Post - by John Dorman - 4/17/2024

Sheehy is a supporter of former president Donald Trump and seems to have the necessary lying tools which will round out his qualifications to be a MAGA/Republican. 

What else is there we don't know about Mr. Sheehy?


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