Can I conceal my AR-15 in my denim jeans pant leg?

Montana Welcomes The Bad Guys

No state permit is required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun or handgun. Montana amended its law in 2021 under the Gianforte Administration to allow permitless concealed carry. "Concealed" is defined as a firearm that is wholly or partially covered by the clothing or wearing apparel of the person carrying or bearing the weapon. 

Montana law allows any person to conceal carry a weapon without a concealed weapon permit, so long as that person is eligible to possess a firearm under state or federal law. Montana  issues concealed weapon permits, which must be applied for and obtained from your local Montana county sheriff. By now, it might even be possible to make your own permit, with legible handwriting, of course.

You can actually ignore trying to remember this law. All  you need to do is believe you are living in the 1860s. Strap on your six-shooter or hide it under your coat, load your shotgun, or slip that derringer up your sleeve and head on out for a night of drinking, gambling, and shooting someone who doesn't "look quite right to you." 

Of course, bank robbers and hitmen should check in with a state NRA official.

Folks, two things are taking shape: (1) we are making things a whole lot easier for crooks, mentally ill, and killers, or (2) the MAGA/Republicans want their people armed and ready for their planned Civil War II.

This has gone too far.

And I'm guessing, according to MAGA, it is just starting!



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